Aquatic–terrestrial transitions of feeding systems in vertebrates: a mechanical perspective
Transitions to terrestrial environments confront ancestrally aquatic animals with several
mechanical and physiological problems owing to the different physical properties of water …
mechanical and physiological problems owing to the different physical properties of water …
Bioinspired electrically activated soft bistable actuators
Movement and morphing in biological systems provide insights into the materials and
mechanisms that may enable the development of advanced engineering structures. The …
mechanisms that may enable the development of advanced engineering structures. The …
Developmental changes and novelties in ceratophryid frogs
M Fabrezi, SI Quinzio, J Goldberg, JC Cruz… - EvoDevo, 2016 - Springer
Abstract The Neotropical frog genera Ceratophrys, Chacophrys and Lepidobatrachus form
the monophyletic family Ceratophryidae. Although in-and out-group relationships are not …
the monophyletic family Ceratophryidae. Although in-and out-group relationships are not …
Reducing false negatives in COVID-19 testing by using microneedle-based oropharyngeal swabs
W Chen, B Cai, Z Geng, F Chen, Z Wang, L Wang… - Matter, 2020 -
Summary Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has become a severe threat to human
health worldwide. Early etiological diagnosis plays a critical role in controlling COVID-19 …
health worldwide. Early etiological diagnosis plays a critical role in controlling COVID-19 …
[HTML][HTML] Particle binding capacity of snail saliva
W Krings, SN Gorb - The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2023 -
Gastropods forage with their radula, a thin chitinous membrane with embedded teeth, which
scratch across the substrate to lose food particles. During this interaction, the risk of …
scratch across the substrate to lose food particles. During this interaction, the risk of …
Frogs use a viscoelastic tongue and non-Newtonian saliva to catch prey
Frogs can capture insects, mice and even birds using only their tongue, with a speed and
versatility unmatched in the world of synthetic materials. How can the frog tongue be so …
versatility unmatched in the world of synthetic materials. How can the frog tongue be so …
The fossil record and phylogeny of South American horned frogs (Anura, Ceratophryidae)
RO Gómez, GF Turazzini - Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
South American horned frogs (Ceratophryidae), with their large heads, wide gapes and fang-
like teeth, are among the most charismatic, best-known and well-studied neobatrachian …
like teeth, are among the most charismatic, best-known and well-studied neobatrachian …
Bite force in the horned frog (Ceratophrys cranwelli) with implications for extinct giant frogs
AK Lappin, SC Wilcox, DJ Moriarty, SAR Stoeppler… - Scientific reports, 2017 -
Of the nearly 6,800 extant frog species, most have weak jaws that play only a minor role in
prey capture. South American horned frogs (Ceratophrys) are a notable exception …
prey capture. South American horned frogs (Ceratophrys) are a notable exception …
Frog tongue acts as muscle-powered adhesive tape
Frogs are well known to capture fast-moving prey by flicking their sticky tongues out of the
mouth. This tongue projection behaviour happens extremely fast which makes frog tongues …
mouth. This tongue projection behaviour happens extremely fast which makes frog tongues …
Synergistic adhesion mechanisms of spider capture silk
It is well known that capture silk, the main sticky component of the orb web of a spider, plays
an important role in the spider's ability to capture prey via adhesion. However, the detailed …
an important role in the spider's ability to capture prey via adhesion. However, the detailed …