Norwegian Sea Oceanic Basin and Prograded Margins Composite Tectono-Sedimentary Element
Abstract The Norwegian Sea oceanic basins and prograded margins have developed since
NE Atlantic break-up in the earliest Eocene. Significant amounts of sediments were fed to …
NE Atlantic break-up in the earliest Eocene. Significant amounts of sediments were fed to …
Glacial seismic geomorphology and Plio-Pleistocene ice sheet history offshore NW Europe
Plio-Pleistocene records of ice-rafted detritus suggest NW European ice sheets regularly
reached coastlines. However, these records provide limited insight on the frequency, extent …
reached coastlines. However, these records provide limited insight on the frequency, extent …
Rapid glacial sedimentation and overpressure in oozes causing large craters on the mid-Norwegian margin: integrated interpretation of the Naust, Kai and Brygge …
Along continental margins with rapid sedimentation, overpressure may build up in porous
and compressible sediments. Large-scale release of such overpressure has major …
and compressible sediments. Large-scale release of such overpressure has major …
Characterization of a structural trap associated with an intrusive complex: the El Trapial oilfield, Neuquén Basin, Argentina
EF Lombardo, O Galland, D Yagupsky, DA Jerram - 2024 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Volcanic plumbing systems emplaced in sedimentary basins may exert significant
mechanical and thermal effects on petroleum systems. The last decade of research has …
mechanical and thermal effects on petroleum systems. The last decade of research has …
Exploring the predictive power of seismic geomorphology to assess sedimentary characteristics of gravity-flow deposits: examples from offshore East and West Africa …
N Scarselli - 2024 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
This research seeks to test the hypothesis that the rheology of submarine gravity-flows
influences the planform geometry of associated fan lobe deposits. If this control exists …
influences the planform geometry of associated fan lobe deposits. If this control exists …
Rapid loading and deformation of soft sediments during emplacement of a lava delta in the Vøring Basin, Mid-Norwegian Margin
Soft sediment deformation structures may form when denser sediments or fluids are
deposited on or flow over unlithified and less dense sediments. This study presents a …
deposited on or flow over unlithified and less dense sediments. This study presents a …
[PDF][PDF] Газовые месторождения квартера на континентальных окраинах
ВА Друщиц - OF THE COMMISSION FOR STUDY OF THE …, 2023 - ginras.ru
Рассмотрено распространение газовых месторождений квартера на континентальных
окраинах. Наиболее известные газовые месторождения приурочены к областям …
окраинах. Наиболее известные газовые месторождения приурочены к областям …
[PDF][PDF] Sedimentation record of a complete glacial-interglacial cycle: Down-slope deposits, contourites and plumites of the North Sea trough mouth fan
Trough mouth fans (TMFs) are major submarine depocentres that form in front of ice streams
advancing onto the continental shelf, and they provide extensive records of past glaciations …
advancing onto the continental shelf, and they provide extensive records of past glaciations …
Development of site profiles to estimate amplification functions for the North Sea
As part of the SHARP-storage project, a new ground motion model (GMM) for the North Sea
is being developed. The GMM will be defined for a reference rock condition, and …
is being developed. The GMM will be defined for a reference rock condition, and …
CO2 Leakage Risk through Remobilized Cenozoic Sediments in the Northern North Sea
SK Tangedal - 2024 - bora.uib.no
Climate change is one of the biggest challenges faced today. One of the possible solutions
to mitigate this challenge is the secure storage of CO2 in the subsurface. Remobilized …
to mitigate this challenge is the secure storage of CO2 in the subsurface. Remobilized …