Rice sheath rot: an emerging ubiquitous destructive disease complex

VP Bigirimana, GKH Hua, OI Nyamangyoku… - Frontiers in Plant …, 2015 - frontiersin.org
Around one century ago, a rice disease characterized mainly by rotting of sheaths was
reported in Taiwan. The causal agent was identified as Acrocylindrium oryzae, later known …

[HTML][HTML] Advancements in research on prevention and control strategies for maize white spot disease

E **ng, X Fan, F Jiang, Y Zhang - Genes, 2023 - mdpi.com
Maize white spot (MWS), caused by the bacterium Pantoea ananatis, is a serious disease
that significantly impacts maize production and productivity. In recent years, outbreaks of …

Deciphering core phyllomicrobiome assemblage on rice genotypes grown in contrasting agroclimatic zones: implications for phyllomicrobiome engineering against …

KP Sahu, A Kumar, K Sakthivel, B Reddy… - Environmental …, 2022 - Springer
Background With its adapted microbial diversity, the phyllosphere contributes microbial
metagenome to the plant holobiont and modulates a host of ecological functions …

Integrated metabarcoding and culturomic-based microbiome profiling of rice phyllosphere reveal diverse and functional bacterial communities for blast disease …

KP Sahu, A Patel, M Kumar, N Sheoran… - Frontiers in …, 2021 - frontiersin.org
Phyllosphere—the harsh foliar plant part exposed to vagaries of environmental and climatic
variables is a unique habitat for microbial communities. In the present work, we profiled the …

Current status of pesticide use among rice farmers in Cambodia

M Matsukawa, K Ito, K Kawakita, T Tanaka - Applied entomology and …, 2016 - Springer
Abstract Knowledge about the current status of pesticide use in Cambodia is critical to
attempts to establish an effective pest control system. Semi-structured interviews were …

Development of a Genomics-Based LAMP (Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification) Assay for Detection of Pseudomonas fuscovaginae from Rice

GJ Ash, JM Lang, LR Triplett, BJ Stodart… - Plant …, 2014 - Am Phytopath Society
The vast amount of data available through next-generation sequencing technology is
facilitating the design of diagnostic marker systems. This study reports the use of draft …

A laudable strategy to manage bacterial panicle blight disease of rice using biocontrol agents

MS Ngalimat, E Mohd Hata, D Zulperi… - Journal of Basic …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Bacterial panicle blight (BPB) disease is a dreadful disease in rice‐producing countries.
Burkholderia glumae, a Gram‐negative, rod‐shaped, and flagellated bacterium was …

Comparison of plant microbiota in diseased and healthy rice reveals methylobacteria as health signatures with biocontrol capabilities

K Oeum, M Suong, K Uon, L Jobert… - Frontiers in Plant …, 2024 - frontiersin.org
Introduction Rice (Oryza sativa) is a staple food worldwide, but its production is under
constant pressure from both abiotic and biotic stresses, resulting in high use of …

Bacteria species and solution pH effect postharvest quality of cut Zinnia elegans

AS Carlson, JM Dole, AG Matthysse, WA Hoffmann… - Scientia …, 2015 - Elsevier
Bacterial growth in vase solutions can lead to stem vasculature blockage causing petal and
leaf wilt, bent neck, or similar symptoms related to water stress that reduce vase life. In these …

Characterization of leaf blade-and leaf sheath-associated bacterial communities and assessment of their responses to environmental changes in CO2, temperature …

S Ikeda, T Tokida, H Nakamura, H Sakai… - Microbes and …, 2015 - jstage.jst.go.jp
Rice shoot-associated bacterial communities at the panicle initiation stage were
characterized and their responses to elevated surface water-soil temperature (ET), low …