Numerical study of the effects of adverse pressure gradient parameter, turning angle and curvature ratio on turbulent flow in 3D turning curved rectangular diffusers …
M Yadegari, A Bak Khoshnevis - The European Physical Journal Plus, 2020 - Springer
Turning diffuser is a type of diffuser with certain angle of turn used as adapter or ejector in
flow line for energy recovery. It is also employed in HVAC systems, wind tunnels, pi** …
flow line for energy recovery. It is also employed in HVAC systems, wind tunnels, pi** …
Effect of turning angle on performance of 2-D turning diffuser via Asymptotic Computational Fluid Dynamics
The present work aims to numerically investigate the effect of varying turning angle, ϕ= 30-
90 on the performance of 2-D turning diffuser and to develop the performance correlations …
90 on the performance of 2-D turning diffuser and to develop the performance correlations …
Effect of turbulence intensity on turning diffuser performance at various angle of turns
LG Huang, N Nordin, LC Chun, NSA Rahim… - CFD Letters, 2020 -
The performances of turning diffuser are highly affected due to the nature of its geometries
by the existence of flow separation and dispersion of core and secondary flows. Turning …
by the existence of flow separation and dispersion of core and secondary flows. Turning …
Numerical investigation of 180o curved diffuser performance by varying geometrical and operating parameters
The geometry of a curved diffuser often inviting the flow to separate. The flow separation
phenomenon plays a vital role in the recovery of pressure inside the diffuser. Besides, the …
phenomenon plays a vital role in the recovery of pressure inside the diffuser. Besides, the …
Effect of Expansion Direction/Area Ratio on Loss Characteristics and Flow Rectification of Curve Diffuser
Curve diffuser is frequently used in applications such as HVAC, wind-tunnel, gas turbine
cycle, aircraft engine etc. as an adapter to join the conduits of different cross-sectional areas …
cycle, aircraft engine etc. as an adapter to join the conduits of different cross-sectional areas …
Effect of angle of turn on loss characteristics and flow rectification of curve diffuser
HC Yong, N Nordin, SM Rasidi, TW Yong… - CFD …, 2022 -
Curve diffuser is often used in HVAC and wind tunnel systems to provide pressure recovery
and avoid excessive energy loss to the surrounding environment. Performance of curve …
and avoid excessive energy loss to the surrounding environment. Performance of curve …
Development of performance correlations using ACFD Method for 2-D curved diffuser
MZF Shariff, N Nordin, LC Chun, SM Rasidi… - CFD Letters, 2020 -
Diffuser is a fluid mechanical device which allows the recovery of pressure energy from the
fluid flow on the outlay of kinetic energy. Performance of turning diffuser is evaluated …
fluid flow on the outlay of kinetic energy. Performance of turning diffuser is evaluated …
Pressure recovery performance of 2-D turning diffuser by varying area ratios and inflow Reynolds numbers
The paper aims to investigate the effects of varying area ratio, AR= 1.2 and 4.0 and inflow
Reynolds number, Re in= 5.478× 10 4− 1.547× 10 5 on the performance of 90 two …
Reynolds number, Re in= 5.478× 10 4− 1.547× 10 5 on the performance of 90 two …
[CITATION][C] Effect of Turbulence Intensity on Turning Diffuser Performance at Various Angle of Turns
LG Huang, N Nordin, LC Chun, NSA Rahim, SM Rasidi…