The anatomy of the brain–learned over the centuries

LSB Junior, NB Lemos, LFG De Lima… - Surgical Neurology …, 2021 -
This article reports the evolution and consolidation of the knowledge of neuroanatomy
through the analysis of its history. Thus, we propose to describe in a historical review to …

[BOK][B] A history of psychology: The emergence of science and applications

WD Woody, W Viney - 2017 -
A History of Psychology: The Emergence of Science and Applications, Sixth Edition, traces
the history of psychology from antiquity through the early 21st century, giving students a …

[HTML][HTML] The Balance in the Head: How Developmental Factors Explain Relationships Between Brain Asymmetries and Mental Diseases

M Manns, G Juckel, N Freund - Brain Sciences, 2025 -
Cerebral lateralisation is a core organising principle of the brain that is characterised by a
complex pattern of hemispheric specialisations and interhemispheric interactions. In various …

Convergence of the arcuate fasciculus and third branch of the superior longitudinal fasciculus with direct cortical stimulation–induced speech arrest area in the …

Z Zhao, CC Huang, S Yuan, J Zhang, CP Lin… - Journal of …, 2023 -
OBJECTIVE The objective was to identify the correspondence between the anterior
terminations of the arcuate fasciculus (AF) and third branch of the superior longitudinal …

[HTML][HTML] Broca aphasia

AB Acharya, M Wroten - StatPearls [Internet], 2023 -
Objectives: Describe the key clinical findings in patients with Broca aphasia. Describe the
location of a lesion that may lead to Broca aphasia. Describe the management options for …

Tractography of the arcuate fasciculus in healthy right-handed and left-handed multilingual subjects and its relation to language lateralization on functional MRI

S Yazbek, S Hage, I Mallak, T Smayra - Scientific Reports, 2021 -
Functional MRI (fMRI) enables evaluation of language cortical organization and plays a
central role in surgical planning. Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) or Tractography, allows …

Does atypical lateralization influence comorbid psychopathology in children with autism spectrum disorders?

AK Lindell - Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 2020 - Springer
People with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often present with comorbid impairments. As
over 70% of children with ASD meet the criteria for at least one comorbid psychiatric …

[PDF][PDF] Dilin Kökeni Arayışları-5: Beyin ve Dil.

C Kerimoğlu - Journal of Dil Araştırmaları, 2022 -
ÖZ İnsanın bilişsel kapasiteleri ile ilgili pek çok soru cevap beklemektedir. Dil de bu bilişsel
kapasitelerden biridir. Paul Broca ve Carl Wernicke'nin 19. yüzyılın ikinci yarısındaki …

Discordant Wada and fMRI language lateralization: a case report

Y Peng, J Xu, Z Wang - Journal of International Medical …, 2024 -
Functional MRI (fMRI) is gaining importance in the preoperative assessment of language for
presurgical planning. However, inconsistencies with the Wada test might arise. This current …

Morphometrical asymmetries and tractography of speech-relevant cortex in relation to language lateralisation and rapid temporal processing

JD Bourke, G Cooper, BU Forstmann, U Schall, J Todd - bioRxiv, 2024 -
Differences in the functional roles of the left and right cortices for speech-related processes
have been known since the findings of Broca and Wernicke. Nearly 100 years later …