Artificial intelligence and value co-creation: a review, conceptual framework and directions for future research
Purpose Artificial intelligence (AI) has a significant impact on value co-creation (VCC).
However, a study providing a comprehensive summary of the current state of the art and …
However, a study providing a comprehensive summary of the current state of the art and …
[HTML][HTML] Systematic review on customer citizenship behavior: Clarifying the domain and future research agenda
In the last two decades customer citizenship behavior (CCB) has attracted considerable
attention. This systematic review maps what we already know about CCB. The study …
attention. This systematic review maps what we already know about CCB. The study …
Mobile banking service quality: a new avenue for customer value co-creation
RB Mostafa - International Journal of Bank Marketing, 2020 - emerald.com
Purpose This paper attempts to investigate the potential effect of mobile banking (m-
banking) service quality dimensions (ease of use, usefulness, security/privacy and …
banking) service quality dimensions (ease of use, usefulness, security/privacy and …
Nudging interactive cocreation behaviors in live-streaming travel commerce: The visualization of real-time danmaku
J Yang, Y Zeng, X Liu, Z Li - Journal of Hospitality and Tourism …, 2022 - Elsevier
Using visualizations of danmaku and word cooccurrence analysis, the current research
evaluates China's live-streaming travel industry by extracting live streamers' and customers' …
evaluates China's live-streaming travel industry by extracting live streamers' and customers' …
The antecedents and consequences of value co-creation behaviors in a hotel setting: A two-country study
This study examines the antecedents and consequences of value co-creation behavior in a
hospitality context. An online questionnaire with samples of hotel patrons in the United …
hospitality context. An online questionnaire with samples of hotel patrons in the United …
An ecosystem perspective synthesis of co-creation research
Extant research examines numerous aspects of co-creation and offers a volume of important
insights. We seek to build a clear understanding of the resulting co-creation research …
insights. We seek to build a clear understanding of the resulting co-creation research …
The way to generate customer citizenship behavior with customer experience
This study explores the factors that influence customer citizenship behavior in the context of
the customer experience of a transportation application that incorporates the concept of the …
the customer experience of a transportation application that incorporates the concept of the …
Supplier-customer engagement for collaborative innovation using video conferencing: A study of SMEs
Co-creation of innovation, as transcending perspective of marketing, is of growing interest in
recent years. Develo** new products through collaboration is recognised as beneficial to …
recent years. Develo** new products through collaboration is recognised as beneficial to …
The dynamics of value co‐creation behavior: a systematic review and future research agenda
Value co‐creation (VCC) continues to gain traction as a marketing concept in several
service contexts. Given the limited understanding of how the VCC process translates into …
service contexts. Given the limited understanding of how the VCC process translates into …
Customer brand co-creation on social media: a systematic review
Purpose This study aims to map existing literature on customer brand co-creation (CBC) in
the context of social media and highlight multiple avenues for future research …
the context of social media and highlight multiple avenues for future research …