[KNJIGA][B] Analysis of boolean functions
R O'Donnell - 2014 - books.google.com
Boolean functions are perhaps the most basic objects of study in theoretical computer
science. They also arise in other areas of mathematics, including combinatorics, statistical …
science. They also arise in other areas of mathematics, including combinatorics, statistical …
SP Vadhan - … and Trends® in Theoretical Computer Science, 2012 - nowpublishers.com
This is a survey of pseudorandomness, the theory of efficiently generating objects that" look
random" despite being constructed using little or no randomness. This theory has …
random" despite being constructed using little or no randomness. This theory has …
Bounded independence fools halfspaces
We show that any distribution on {-1,+1\}^n that is k-wise independent fools any halfspace
(or linear threshold function) h:{-1,+1\}^n→{-1,+1\}, ie, any function of the form …
(or linear threshold function) h:{-1,+1\}^n→{-1,+1\}, ie, any function of the form …
Pseudorandom bits for polynomials
We present a new approach to constructing pseudorandom generators that fool low-degree
polynomials over finite fields, based on the Gowers norm. Using this approach, we obtain …
polynomials over finite fields, based on the Gowers norm. Using this approach, we obtain …
B-tree indexes and CPU caches
Since many existing techniques for exploiting CPU caches in the implementation of B-tree
indexes have not been discussed in the literature, most of them are surveyed. Rather than …
indexes have not been discussed in the literature, most of them are surveyed. Rather than …
Optimal testing of Reed-Muller codes
We consider the problem of testing if a given function f: F 2 n→ F 2 is close to any degree d
polynomial in n variables, also known as the Reed-Muller testing problem. Alon et al.[1] …
polynomial in n variables, also known as the Reed-Muller testing problem. Alon et al.[1] …
The Sum of D Small-Bias Generators Fools Polynomials of Degree D
E Viola - Computational Complexity, 2009 - Springer
We prove that the sum of d small-bias generators L: F^ s → F^ n fools degree-d polynomials
in n variables over a field F, for any fixed degree d and field F, including F= F _ 2={0, 1\}. Our …
in n variables over a field F, for any fixed degree d and field F, including F= F _ 2={0, 1\}. Our …
Pseudorandom generators for width-3 branching programs
We construct pseudorandom generators of seed length Õ (log (n)· log (1/є)) that є-fool
ordered read-once branching programs (ROBPs) of width 3 and length n. For unordered …
ordered read-once branching programs (ROBPs) of width 3 and length n. For unordered …
Better pseudorandom generators from milder pseudorandom restrictions
We present an iterative approach to constructing pseudorandom generators, based on the
repeated application of mild pseudorandom restrictions. We use this template to construct …
repeated application of mild pseudorandom restrictions. We use this template to construct …
Cryptographic hardness of random local functions: Survey
B Applebaum - Computational complexity, 2016 - Springer
Constant parallel-time cryptography allows to perform complex cryptographic tasks at an
ultimate level of parallelism, namely by local functions that each of their output bits depend …
ultimate level of parallelism, namely by local functions that each of their output bits depend …