Energy, economic and environmental benefits of integrating passive design strategies into buildings: A review

Y Elaouzy, A El Fadar - Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 2022‏ - Elsevier
Passive design has recently received increasing attention as an option to reduce energy
consumption, abate carbon footprint and alleviate energy bills of buildings by taking …

Strategic progress in foam stabilisation towards high-performance foam concrete for building sustainability: A state-of-the-art review

NP Tran, TN Nguyen, TD Ngo, PK Le, TA Le - Journal of Cleaner …, 2022‏ - Elsevier
Lightweight, high energy reservation and excellent functional performance are the main
benefits of cellular concrete. Its properties mainly depends on the pore characteristics …

Sugarcane bagasse waste fibers as novel thermal insulation and sound-absorbing materials for application in sustainable buildings

S Mehrzad, E Taban, P Soltani, SE Samaei… - Building and …, 2022‏ - Elsevier
Global warming and noise pollution have emerged as the most serious environmental
problems ever to confront humanity. In recent years, the use of natural fibers as thermal …

Silica aerogels: from materials research to industrial applications

C Li, G Zhang, L Lin, T Wu, S Brunner… - International …, 2023‏ -
Silica aerogels are advanced materials with outstanding properties, including high specific
surface area and porosity, low thermal conductivity, density, dielectric constant, and …

[HTML][HTML] A mini-review on building insulation materials from perspective of plastic pollution: Current issues and natural fibres as a possible solution

JR Zhao, R Zheng, J Tang, HJ Sun, J Wang - Journal of Hazardous …, 2022‏ - Elsevier
As plastic pollution is eroding our ecological environment at an alarming rate around the
world, tracking the origins is a necessity for putting forward effective measures to prevent it …

[HTML][HTML] Carbon footprint of low-energy buildings in the United Kingdom: Effects of mitigating technological pathways and decarbonization strategies

M Norouzi, AN Haddad, L Jiménez… - Science of The Total …, 2023‏ - Elsevier
There is a limited comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness of adopted carbon mitigation
strategies for buildings over their life cycle, that are concerned with temporal perspectives of …

Flexible and transformable ceramic aerogels via a fire‐reborn strategy for thermal superinsulation in extreme conditions

Y Cheng, B Ma, P Hu, J Zhang, D Hu… - Advanced Functional …, 2023‏ - Wiley Online Library
Effective thermal superinsulation in extremely high temperatures (EHT) is crucial for
aerospace, industrial, and civilization activities. However, current strategies relying on …

Develo** flame-retardant lignocellulosic nanofibrils through reactive deep eutectic solvent treatment for thermal insulation

Y Zhu, Z Yu, J Zhu, Y Zhang, X Ren, F Jiang - Chemical Engineering …, 2022‏ - Elsevier
The global consensus to pivot to a more sustainable lifestyle and achieve greater atom
economy calls for not only sourcing advanced functional materials from biomass but also …

Silica aerogel: Synthesis, characterization, applications, and recent advancements

AB Rashid, SI Shishir, MA Mahfuz… - Particle & Particle …, 2023‏ - Wiley Online Library
Silica aerogels have drawn considerable attention due to their low density (almost 95% of
the total volume is composed of air), hydrophobicity, optical transparency, low conductivity of …

Separation of toxic contaminants from water by silica aerogel-based adsorbents: A comprehensive review

H Abedpour, JS Moghaddas, MN Borhani… - Journal of Water …, 2023‏ - Elsevier
Every day, water sources are polluted with various contaminants due to destructive human
activities. In the past, humans released a lot of sewage into water bodies. Today, this is no …