Microeconomic perspectives on aggregate labor markets
G Bertola - Handbook of labor economics, 1999 - Elsevier
The chapter discusses the role played by labor market institutions in sha** the dynamics
of wages, employment, and unemployment across European countries and the United …
of wages, employment, and unemployment across European countries and the United …
Arbeitsmarkttheorien: ein Überblick
W Sesselmeier, G Blauermel - 2013 - books.google.com
Das Buch vermittelt einen Überblick über die vielfältigen mikroökonomischen Ansätze
(Humankapitaltheorie, Suchtheorie, Gewerkschaftstheorien, Effizienzlohntheorien, Insider …
(Humankapitaltheorie, Suchtheorie, Gewerkschaftstheorien, Effizienzlohntheorien, Insider …
Occupational specificity of human capital
G Kambourov, I Manovskii - International Economic Review, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
We find that returns to occupational tenure are substantial. Everything else being constant, 5
years of occupational tenure are associated with an increase in wages of 12%–20 …
years of occupational tenure are associated with an increase in wages of 12%–20 …
[Књига][B] Political parties, growth and equality: Conservative and social democratic economic strategies in the world economy
C Boix - 1998 - books.google.com
Given the increased openness of countries to international trade and financial flows, the
general public and the scholarly literature have grown skeptical about the capacity of policy …
general public and the scholarly literature have grown skeptical about the capacity of policy …
Globalization and the great U-turn: Income inequality trends in 16 OECD countries
AS Alderson, F Nielsen - American journal of sociology, 2002 - journals.uchicago.edu
The debate on the resurgence of income inequality in some advanced industrial societies
has often focused on the impact of an increasingly integrated world economy, typified by …
has often focused on the impact of an increasingly integrated world economy, typified by …
The new'geographical turn'in economics: some critical reflections
R Martin - Cambridge journal of Economics, 1999 - JSTOR
Over the past few years, a new'geographical'economics has emerged, focused on the
spatial agglomeration of industry and the long-run convergence of regional incomes …
spatial agglomeration of industry and the long-run convergence of regional incomes …
Work and leisure in the United States and Europe: why so different?
A Alesina, E Glaeser… - NBER macroeconomics …, 2005 - journals.uchicago.edu
Americans average 25.1 working hours per person of working age per week, but the
Germans average 18.6 hours. The average American works 46.2 weeks per year, while the …
Germans average 18.6 hours. The average American works 46.2 weeks per year, while the …
Cross-national comparisons of earnings and income inequality
P Gottschalk, TM Smeeding - Journal of economic literature, 1997 - JSTOR
JNTEREST IN THE distribution of earnings and the distribution of household income was
largely a parochial backwater of economic research in the United States until the early …
largely a parochial backwater of economic research in the United States until the early …
Drawing lessons from the boom of temporary jobs in Spain
We review some lessons from the Spanish experience of using temporary employment
contracts for regular jobs since 1984. The focus is on the role of fixed‐term contracts with low …
contracts for regular jobs since 1984. The focus is on the role of fixed‐term contracts with low …
The effect of employment protection on worker effort: Absenteeism during and after probation
Employment protection systems are widely believed to generate distortions in firms' hiring
and firing decisions. However, much less is known about the impact of these regulations on …
and firing decisions. However, much less is known about the impact of these regulations on …