Microeconomic perspectives on aggregate labor markets

G Bertola - Handbook of labor economics, 1999 - Elsevier
The chapter discusses the role played by labor market institutions in sha** the dynamics
of wages, employment, and unemployment across European countries and the United …

Arbeitsmarkttheorien: ein Überblick

W Sesselmeier, G Blauermel - 2013 - books.google.com
Das Buch vermittelt einen Überblick über die vielfältigen mikroökonomischen Ansätze
(Humankapitaltheorie, Suchtheorie, Gewerkschaftstheorien, Effizienzlohntheorien, Insider …

Occupational specificity of human capital

G Kambourov, I Manovskii - International Economic Review, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
We find that returns to occupational tenure are substantial. Everything else being constant, 5
years of occupational tenure are associated with an increase in wages of 12%–20 …

[Књига][B] Political parties, growth and equality: Conservative and social democratic economic strategies in the world economy

C Boix - 1998 - books.google.com
Given the increased openness of countries to international trade and financial flows, the
general public and the scholarly literature have grown skeptical about the capacity of policy …

Globalization and the great U-turn: Income inequality trends in 16 OECD countries

AS Alderson, F Nielsen - American journal of sociology, 2002 - journals.uchicago.edu
The debate on the resurgence of income inequality in some advanced industrial societies
has often focused on the impact of an increasingly integrated world economy, typified by …

The new'geographical turn'in economics: some critical reflections

R Martin - Cambridge journal of Economics, 1999 - JSTOR
Over the past few years, a new'geographical'economics has emerged, focused on the
spatial agglomeration of industry and the long-run convergence of regional incomes …

Work and leisure in the United States and Europe: why so different?

A Alesina, E Glaeser… - NBER macroeconomics …, 2005 - journals.uchicago.edu
Americans average 25.1 working hours per person of working age per week, but the
Germans average 18.6 hours. The average American works 46.2 weeks per year, while the …

Cross-national comparisons of earnings and income inequality

P Gottschalk, TM Smeeding - Journal of economic literature, 1997 - JSTOR
JNTEREST IN THE distribution of earnings and the distribution of household income was
largely a parochial backwater of economic research in the United States until the early …

Drawing lessons from the boom of temporary jobs in Spain

JJ Dolado, C García‐Serrano… - The Economic …, 2002 - academic.oup.com
We review some lessons from the Spanish experience of using temporary employment
contracts for regular jobs since 1984. The focus is on the role of fixed‐term contracts with low …

The effect of employment protection on worker effort: Absenteeism during and after probation

A Ichino, RT Riphahn - Journal of the European Economic …, 2005 - academic.oup.com
Employment protection systems are widely believed to generate distortions in firms' hiring
and firing decisions. However, much less is known about the impact of these regulations on …