A hybrid Q-learning sine-cosine-based strategy for addressing the combinatorial test suite minimization problem
The sine-cosine algorithm (SCA) is a new population-based meta-heuristic algorithm. In
addition to exploiting sine and cosine functions to perform local and global searches (hence …
addition to exploiting sine and cosine functions to perform local and global searches (hence …
[HTML][HTML] Gravitational search algorithm based strategy for combinatorial t-way test suite generation
Due to different users' requirements, contemporary software has become feature-rich in
terms of input functions (ie, parameters) and selections (ie, values). Exhaustive testing on …
terms of input functions (ie, parameters) and selections (ie, values). Exhaustive testing on …
[PDF][PDF] MIPOG-an efficient t-way minimization strategy for combinatorial testing
This paper presents a study comparing different techniques to achieve minimal test suites in
combinatorial testing. Considering high interaction strength is not without difficulties. When …
combinatorial testing. Considering high interaction strength is not without difficulties. When …
Hybrid migrating birds optimization strategy for t-way test suite generation
Hybrid meta-heuristics algorithms have gained popularity in recent years to solve t-way test
suite generation problems due to better exploration and exploitation capabilities of the …
suite generation problems due to better exploration and exploitation capabilities of the …
Combinatorial test suite generation strategy using enhanced sine cosine algorithm
Owing to its simplicity and having no control parameters, the Sine Cosine Algorithm (SCA)
has attracted much attention among researchers. Although useful, the SCA algorithm adopts …
has attracted much attention among researchers. Although useful, the SCA algorithm adopts …
An efficient particle swarm intelligence based strategy to generate optimum test data in t-way testing
Limited resources and tight deadline factor inhibits exhaustive testing. Thus, generation of
optimal test data in an acceptable number is very important to accelerate the overall …
optimal test data in an acceptable number is very important to accelerate the overall …
A Random search based effective algorithm for pairwise test data generation
Testing is a very important task to build error free software. As the resources and time to
market is limited for a software product, it is impossible to perform exhaustive test ie, to test …
market is limited for a software product, it is impossible to perform exhaustive test ie, to test …
Pairwise test suite generation using adaptive teaching learning-based optimization algorithm with remedial operator
Software systems nowadays have large configuration spaces. Pairwise test design
technique is found useful by testers to sample only required configuration options of these …
technique is found useful by testers to sample only required configuration options of these …
A new variable strength t-way strategy based on the cuckoo search algorithm
Considering systematic interaction of inputs, t-way testing is a sampling strategy that
generates a subset of test cases from a pool of possible tests. Many t-way testing strategies …
generates a subset of test cases from a pool of possible tests. Many t-way testing strategies …
Hyper-heuristic based strategy for pairwise test case generation
Pairwise testing significantly reduces testing efforts of contemporary software systems by
efficiently sampling their exorbitant number of parameter configurations. Meta-heuristic …
efficiently sampling their exorbitant number of parameter configurations. Meta-heuristic …