Bacterial pathogenesis in various fish diseases: recent advances and specific challenges in vaccine development
Aquaculture is a fast-growing food sector but is plagued by a plethora of bacterial pathogens
that infect fish. The rearing of fish at high population densities in aquaculture facilities makes …
that infect fish. The rearing of fish at high population densities in aquaculture facilities makes …
[HTML][HTML] An overview of disruptive technologies for aquaculture
The world wild fish stocks are being depleted in an ever-increasing speed. Aquaculture is
the only way to ensure sufficient seafood for the world. Conventional aquaculture can be …
the only way to ensure sufficient seafood for the world. Conventional aquaculture can be …
Risikorapport norsk fiskeoppdrett 2022-kunnskapsstatus-Effekter på miljø og dyrevelferd i norsk fiskeoppdrett
ES Grefsrud, PA Bjørn, BE Grøsvik… - Rapport fra …, 2022 - imr.brage.unit.no
Oppdrett i åpne merder gjør at smittestoffer fra oppdrettsanleggene vil kunne drive fra
merdene og ut i miljøet. Lakselus som slippes fra hunnlus som sitter på oppdrettsfisk antas, i …
merdene og ut i miljøet. Lakselus som slippes fra hunnlus som sitter på oppdrettsfisk antas, i …
Biofloc technology in fish aquaculture: A review
YB Yu, JH Choi, JH Lee, AH Jo, KM Lee, JH Kim - Antioxidants, 2023 - mdpi.com
The application of biofloc to fish species has several advantages, including the
enhancement of production by increasing growth performance and survival rate and the …
enhancement of production by increasing growth performance and survival rate and the …
Offshore aquaculture of finfish: Big expectations at sea
Offshore aquaculture has gained momentum in recent years, and the production of an
increasing number of marine fish species is being relocated offshore. Initially, predictions of …
increasing number of marine fish species is being relocated offshore. Initially, predictions of …
Factors associated with baseline mortality in Norwegian Atlantic salmon farming
In 2019, it was estimated that more than 50 million captive Atlantic salmon in Norway died in
the final stage of their production in marine cages. This mortality represents a significant …
the final stage of their production in marine cages. This mortality represents a significant …
[HTML][HTML] Toward an environmentally responsible offshore aquaculture industry in the United States: Ecological risks, remedies, and knowledge gaps
There is growing interest in cultivating fish, shellfish, and seaweeds in offshore waters.
Existing pilot and commercial facilities demonstrate that offshore aquaculture is technically …
Existing pilot and commercial facilities demonstrate that offshore aquaculture is technically …
Fasting and its implications for fish welfare in Atlantic salmon aquaculture
Periods of fasting occur for a multitude of reasons in Atlantic salmon aquaculture. Feed
withdrawal is widely used prior to transport, parasite treatments, preslaughter and for …
withdrawal is widely used prior to transport, parasite treatments, preslaughter and for …
Diversity, evolution, and emergence of fish viruses
The production of aquatic animals has more than doubled over the last 50 years and is
anticipated to continually increase. While fish are recognized as a valuable and sustainable …
anticipated to continually increase. While fish are recognized as a valuable and sustainable …
Managing biofouling on submerged static artificial structures in the marine environment–assessment of current and emerging approaches
G Hopkins, I Davidson, E Georgiades… - Frontiers in Marine …, 2021 - frontiersin.org
The number, extent, diversity, and global reach of submerged static artificial structures
(SSAS) in the marine environment is increasing. These structures are prone to the …
(SSAS) in the marine environment is increasing. These structures are prone to the …