[BOOK][B] Offending from childhood to late middle age: Recent results from the Cambridge study in delinquent development

DP Farrington, AR Piquero, WG Jennings, D Jolliffe - 2023 - books.google.com
This second edition book advances knowledge about criminal careers throughout life. It
presents new results from the Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development (CSDD), which …

Unraveling the sequences of risk factors underlying the development of criminal behavior

M Basto-Pereira, DP Farrington, L Maciel - Journal of Developmental and …, 2024 - Springer
This work aims to investigate the role of sequences of risk factors from childhood to young
adulthood in predicting subsequent criminal convictions. This study uses the Cambridge …

Prevention of Youth Offending and Recidivism

MS Orlando, DP Farrington - … Preventing Recidivism of Young Offenders in …, 2024 - Springer
This chapter explains, demonstrates and justifies the relevance to focus on the prevention of
delinquency and later recidivism from an early age. Early intervention to prevent recidivism …

Desistance from crime of young offenders in Argentina: A qualitative study

MS Orlando, DP Farrington - International Criminology, 2023 - Springer
The present study describes the processes of change that are associated with individual
transformations that lead youth offenders in Argentina to move away from a criminal life and …

[BOOK][B] The life-course of serious and violent youth grown up: A twenty-year longitudinal study

E McCuish, P Lussier, R Corrado - 2021 - taylorfrancis.com
The Life-Course of Serious and Violent Youth Grown Up addresses significant gaps in the
literature on youth involved in chronic, serious, and violent offending. Through longitudinal …

[HTML][HTML] The developmental sequences of events underlying persistence in criminal convictions during adulthood

M Basto-Pereira, D Jolliffe, DP Farrington - Journal of Criminal Justice, 2025 - Elsevier
The relationship between multiple vulnerabilities experienced and accumulated during
development, and later life-course persistent offending trajectories is well-established …

Risk factors for juvenile recidivists versus one-time offenders in Argentina: Comparisons with other countries

MS Orlando, DP Farrington - International Criminology, 2021 - Springer
This article analyses risk factors for criminal recidivism of young offenders in Argentina,
compared with studies in other countries; 65 recidivists are compared with 59 one-time …

[BOOK][B] Youth crime prevention and sports: an evaluation of sport-based programmes and their effectiveness

Y Dandurand, J Heidt - 2022 - books.google.com
Sport-based crime prevention programmes are becoming increasingly popular worldwide
but until now there has been very little research on the effectiveness of such approaches …

[BOOK][B] Transitions out of crime: New approaches on desistance in late adolescence

C Droppelmann - 2021 - taylorfrancis.com
This book contributes to our knowledge of desistance in a develo** country. Offering an
intercultural dialogue with mainstream explanations, Transitions Out of Crime analyses the …

Quantitative Analysis

MS Orlando, DP Farrington - … Preventing Recidivism of Young Offenders in …, 2024 - Springer
Despite the high prevalence of youth offending in Argentina, there are relatively few
investigations of the factors that may be associated with it. The identification of these factors …