[HTML][HTML] Grazing systems and natural capital: Influence of grazing management on natural capital in extensive livestock production systems
Using a weight of evidence approach, natural capital outcomes associated with regenerative
grazing and silvopastoral systems were compared to those associated with conventional …
grazing and silvopastoral systems were compared to those associated with conventional …
Economic-environmental assessment of silvo-pastoral systems in Colombia: An ecosystem service perspective
Cattle production in Colombia has an important social and economic role but causes
considerable environmental impacts, such as deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions …
considerable environmental impacts, such as deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions …
Examining factors for the adoption of silvopastoral agroforestry in the Colombian Amazon
CO Alvarado Sandino, AP Barnes, I Sepúlveda… - Scientific Reports, 2023 - nature.com
Current land use systems in the Amazon largely consist of extensive conventional
productivist livestock operations that drive deforestation. Silvopastoral systems (SPS) …
productivist livestock operations that drive deforestation. Silvopastoral systems (SPS) …
[HTML][HTML] Grazing cattle, sheep, and goats are important parts of a sustainable agricultural future
T Grandin - Animals, 2022 - mdpi.com
Simple Summary Increasing attacks on animal agriculture have forced many people to
question the use of animals for food. Grazing livestock are part of a sustainable agricultural …
question the use of animals for food. Grazing livestock are part of a sustainable agricultural …
Short-term effects of agroforestry systems on soil health in Southeastern Brazil
Abstract The Soil Management Assessment Framework (SMAF) has successfully been
tested as an objective tool to quantify land use and management effects on soil health …
tested as an objective tool to quantify land use and management effects on soil health …
[HTML][HTML] Long-term implementation of a silvopastoral system enhances soil P availability and bacterial diversity
A silvopastoral system (SPS) is defined as a type of agroforestry system wherein grasses
combine with legumes, shrubs, and trees for animal nutrition. Its use, as an alternative to …
combine with legumes, shrubs, and trees for animal nutrition. Its use, as an alternative to …
Conservative farming systems and their effects on soil organic carbon and structural quality
Pesticides-free integrated farming systems emerge as a viable option to promote
environmental protection, due to the diversification of the agroecosystem, making the soil …
environmental protection, due to the diversification of the agroecosystem, making the soil …
Agroforestry systems generate changes in soil macrofauna and soil physical quality relationship in the northwestern Colombian Amazon
Deforestation in Amazon region generates important changes in the landscape; for this
reason, agroforestry systems have been used to mitigate its impacts. Therefore, we …
reason, agroforestry systems have been used to mitigate its impacts. Therefore, we …
Soil enzyme responses to land use change in the tropical rainforest of the Colombian Amazon region
Soil enzymes mediate key processes and functions of the soils, such as organic matter
decomposition and nutrient cycling in both natural and agricultural ecosystems. Here, we …
decomposition and nutrient cycling in both natural and agricultural ecosystems. Here, we …
Soil carbon stock potential in pastoral and silvopastoral systems in the Peruvian Amazon
Research evaluating the impact of silvopastoral systems on physical and biological
properties of Amazonian soils is scarce. Thus, this study aimed to compare the soil carbon …
properties of Amazonian soils is scarce. Thus, this study aimed to compare the soil carbon …