Noble-metal nanocrystals with controlled shapes for catalytic and electrocatalytic applications
The successful synthesis of noble-metal nanocrystals with controlled shapes offers many
opportunities to not only maneuver their physicochemical properties but also optimize their …
opportunities to not only maneuver their physicochemical properties but also optimize their …
Colloidal synthesis of metal nanocrystals: from asymmetrical growth to symmetry breaking
Nanocrystals offer a unique platform for tailoring the physicochemical properties of solid
materials to enhance their performances in various applications. While most work on …
materials to enhance their performances in various applications. While most work on …
Structure evolution of PtCu nanoframes from disordered to ordered for the oxygen reduction reaction
M Gong, D ** of plasmon and mie resonances: a review of field enhancement imaging based on electron or photon spectromicroscopy
Localized surface plasmon resonances of nanostructured metals and Mie resonances of
submicron-structured semiconductors couple with electromagnetic waves, producing …
submicron-structured semiconductors couple with electromagnetic waves, producing …
Thermal activation of gold atom diffusion in Au@ Pt nanorods
Understanding the thermal stability of bimetallic nanoparticles is of vital importance to
preserve their functionalities during their use in a variety of applications. In contrast to well …
preserve their functionalities during their use in a variety of applications. In contrast to well …
Controllable synthesis of bimetallic nanostructures using biogenic reagents: a green perspective
Bimetallic nanostructures are emerging as a significant class of metal nanomaterials due to
their exceptional properties that are useful in various areas of science and technology …
their exceptional properties that are useful in various areas of science and technology …
Investigating reaction intermediates during the seedless growth of gold nanostars using electron tomography
Good's buffers can act both as nucleating and shape-directing agents during the synthesis of
anisotropic gold nanostars (AuNS). Although different Good's buffers can produce AuNS …
anisotropic gold nanostars (AuNS). Although different Good's buffers can produce AuNS …