Partial isometries, duality, and determinantal point processes

M Katori, T Shirai - Random Matrices: Theory and Applications, 2022 - World Scientific
A determinantal point process (DPP) is an ensemble of random nonnegative-integer-valued
Radon measures Ξ on a space S with measure λ, whose correlation functions are all given …

Convolution equation and operators on the Euclidean motion group

UN Bassey, UE Edeke - Journal of the Nigerian Society of …, 2024 -
Let $ G=\mathbb {R}^ 2\rtimes SO (2) $ be the Euclidean motion group, let g be the Lie
algebra of G and let U (g) be the universal envelo** algebra of g. Then U (g) is an infinite …

Unitarization and inversion formulae for the Radon transform between dual pairs

GS Alberti, F Bartolucci, F De Mari, E De Vito - SIAM Journal on Mathematical …, 2019 - SIAM
We consider the Radon transform associated to dual pairs (X,Ξ) in the sense of Helgason,
with X=G/K and Ξ=G/H, where G is a locally compact group and K and H are closed …

Non-Abelian Fourier Analysis on

AG Farashahi, GS Chirikjian - arxiv preprint arxiv:2403.15874, 2024 -
This paper presents a systematic study for the general theory of non-Abelian Fourier series
of integrable functions on the homogeneous space $\mathbf {\Gamma}\backslash SE (d) …

Fourier–Zernike series of compactly supported convolutions on SE (2)

AG Farashahi, GS Chirikjian - Journal of Approximation Theory, 2021 - Elsevier
This paper introduces a systematic study for analytic aspects of Fourier–Zernike series of
convolutions of compactly supported functions on SE (2). Let a> 0, B a be the disk of radius …

Radon Transform: Dual Pairs and Irreducible Representations

GS Alberti, F Bartolucci, FD Mari, E De Vito - Landscapes of Time …, 2020 - Springer
We illustrate the general point of view we developed in an earlier paper (SIAM J. Math.
Anal., 2019) that can be described as a variation of Helgason's theory of dual G …

Discrete spectra of convolutions of compactly supported functions on SE(2) using Sturm–Liouville theory

A Ghaani Farashahi, GS Chirikjian - Integral Transforms and …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
This paper introduces a systematic study for analytic aspects of discrete spectra methods for
functions supported on some compact domains of SE (2), according to Sturm–Liouville …

Deconvolution on the Euclidean motion group

ZM Luo, PT Kim, TY Kim, JY Koo - Inverse Problems, 2011 -
Deconvolution is an important class of inverse problems. The goal of this paper is to develop
the optimality properties of deconvolution density estimators on the noncommutative and …

Convolution Operators on the Euclidean Motion Group

U Bassey, UWE EDEKE - Available at SSRN 4783047 -
Let δ (t) be the Dirac measure on SO (2)∼= T, the circle group, and let G= R2⋊ T be
theEuclidean motion group. It is established that the (convolution) operator A′: C∞ c (G)→ …

Radon transforms: Unitarization, Inversion and Wavefront sets

F Bartolucci - 2020 -
The first contribution of this thesis is a new approach based on the theory of group
representations in order to solve in a general an unified way the unitarization and inversion …