Wearable devices components for high jump sport: an overview
Wearable devices like FitBit, Garmin and Amazfit smartwatch have become popular in recent
years. Athlete like swimmers and runners mostly use smartwatch to track speed of the swim …
years. Athlete like swimmers and runners mostly use smartwatch to track speed of the swim …
Toward joint compression–transmission optimization for green wearable devices: An energy-delay tradeoff
Small-size and light-weight, as the modern design concept for the emerging wearable
devices, has become a trend. However, such trend puts physical limitations to the battery …
devices, has become a trend. However, such trend puts physical limitations to the battery …
A low-power sensor polling for aggregated-task context on mobile devices
J Wang, D Wang, B Guo - Future Generation Computer Systems, 2019 - Elsevier
Current smartphones are very rich in the type of sensors to provide various user-behavior
tracing and social network sharing, ie, pervasive social networking applications. Sensor …
tracing and social network sharing, ie, pervasive social networking applications. Sensor …
Secure and Power-Efficient Computing on Mobile Platforms
KW Nixon - 2019 - search.proquest.com
Mobile devices have been the driving force behind the electronics industry for over a
decade. Compared more traditional computing systems such as desktop or laptop …
decade. Compared more traditional computing systems such as desktop or laptop …
VoCaM: Visualization oriented convolutional neural network acceleration on mobile system
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have been widely investigated as some of the most
promising solution for various computer vision tasks. However, CNNs introduce massive …
promising solution for various computer vision tasks. However, CNNs introduce massive …
IOT-based solution towards real-time monitoring system for high jump spot
MF Roslan - 2019 - eprints.uthm.edu.my
In high jump sport, approach speed is one (1) of the important parameters to maintain the
speed as well as to gain good momentum at the ankle during the take-off. The good …
speed as well as to gain good momentum at the ankle during the take-off. The good …
Power management in wearable sensors
K Sathyamoorthy - 2017 - search.proquest.com
Wearable sensors help us in taking corrective steps that will make us healthier than
yesterday. Wearable sensors empower people to be productive, active and attentive by …
yesterday. Wearable sensors empower people to be productive, active and attentive by …