Ways of knowing compassion: How do we come to know, understand, and measure compassion when we see it?

JS Mascaro, MP Florian, MJ Ash, PK Palmer… - Frontiers in …, 2020 - frontiersin.org
Over the last decade, empirical research on compassion has burgeoned in the biomedical,
clinical, translational, and foundational sciences. Increasingly sophisticated understandings …

Understanding behaviours in context using mobile sensing

GM Harari, SD Gosling - Nature Reviews Psychology, 2023 - nature.com
Mobile sensing refers to the collection of methods by which researchers derive measures of
human behaviours and contexts from the onboard sensors and logs found in smartphones …

A saturated map of common genetic variants associated with human height

L Yengo, S Vedantam, E Marouli, J Sidorenko, E Bartell… - Nature, 2022 - nature.com
Common single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are predicted to collectively explain 40–
50% of phenotypic variation in human height, but identifying the specific variants and …

Ecological momentary assessment: A meta-analysis on designs, samples, and compliance across research fields

C Wrzus, AB Neubauer - Assessment, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
Ecological Momentary Assessments (ie, EMA, repeated assessments in daily life) are
widespread in many fields of psychology and related disciplines. Yet, little knowledge exists …

Is well-being associated with the quantity and quality of social interactions?

J Sun, K Harris, S Vazire - Journal of personality and social …, 2020 - psycnet.apa.org
Social relationships are often touted as critical for well-being. However, the vast majority of
studies on social relationships have relied on self-report measures of both social …

The “why” and “how” of narcissism: A process model of narcissistic status pursuit

S Grapsas, E Brummelman, MD Back… - Perspectives on …, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
We propose a self-regulation model of grandiose narcissism. This model illustrates an
interconnected set of processes through which narcissists (ie, individuals with relatively high …

Interpersonal dynamics in personality and personality disorders

CJ Hopwood - European Journal of Personality, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
Clinical and basic personality psychologists interact less than they should, given their similar
interests. In clinical personality psychology, available evidence supports a transition from the …

[KNIHA][B] Skilled interpersonal communication: Research, theory and practice

O Hargie - 2021 - taylorfrancis.com
Established as the foremost textbook on communication, the seventh edition of Owen
Hargie's Skilled Interpersonal Communication is thoroughly revised and updated with the …

Distinguishing emotion regulation success in daily life from maladaptive regulation and dysregulation

T Springstein, T English - Personality and Social Psychology …, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
Academic Abstract This paper aims to motivate research on emotion regulation success in
naturalistic settings. We define emotion regulation success as achieving one's emotion …

A practical guide to conversation research: How to study what people say to each other

M Yeomans, FK Boland, HK Collins… - … in Methods and …, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
Conversation—a verbal interaction between two or more people—is a complex, pervasive,
and consequential human behavior. Conversations have been studied across many …