Work-life balance and employee performance: A literature review

MD Tamunomiebi, C Oyibo - European Journal of Business and …, 2020 -
This paper is a review of literature on work life balance and employee performance in
Nigeria as an attempt at knowledge building. This is a secondary research which sought to …

[PDF][PDF] Impact of work-life balance, happiness at work, on employee performance

K Adnan Bataineh - International Business Research, 2019 -
The purpose of this research is to investigate the Relation of work-life balance, happiness,
and employee performance, Accordingly, a questionnaire-based survey was designed to …

Task performance and training of employees: the mediating role of employee engagement in the tourism and hospitality industry

M Arwab, M Adil, M Nasir, MA Ali - European Journal of Training and …, 2023 -
Purpose The purpose of this study is to analyse the perception of employees towards
training and also examine the mediation effect of employee engagement between training …

Impact of capacity building and managerial support on employees' performance: The moderating role of employees' retention

M Wassem, SA Baig, M Abrar, M Hashim… - Sage …, 2019 -
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of capacity building and managers'
support on employee performance in the textile industry. Moreover, this article also …

[PDF][PDF] Employee empowerment and employee performance: An empirical study on selected banks in UAE

I Bose, UA Emirates - Journal of Applied Management and …, 2018 -
The fundamental goal of HR in an organization is to effectively manage its employees by
encouraging positive attitudes like increasing productivity, job satisfaction, motivation and …

[PDF][PDF] Effect of organizational excellence and employee performance on organizational productivity within healthcare sector in the UAE

MS Mohamed, GSA Khalifa, M Nusari… - … of Engineering and …, 2018 -
In the quest to improve performance, attention has been directed at organizational
excellence to remain competitive through creativity and innovation. It must be emphasized …

The role of sustainable HRM in sustaining positive organizational outcomes: An interactional framework

AH Almarzooqi, M Khan, K Khalid - International Journal of …, 2019 -
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the interactional relationships between
sustainable human resource management (HRM) and positive organizational outcomes, in …

Intellectual capital before and during COVID-19 in the hotel industry: the moderating role of tangible assets

J Ognjanovic, V Dzenopoljac… - Journal of Hospitality and …, 2023 -
Purpose The study aims to assess the relative impact of intellectual capital (IC) as opposed
to tangible assets on profitability and employee performance in hotels in Serbia before and …

Develo** environmental performance through sustainable practices, environmental CSR and behavioural intentions: an online approach during the COVID-19 …

BA Soomro, GM Elhag, MK Bhatti… - Social Responsibility …, 2024 -
Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the development of environmental
performance (EP) through sustainable practices (SPs), environmental corporate social …

[PDF][PDF] The Impact of Motivation on Performance: The Role of Organizational Commitment.

MM Rachman - Jurnal Manajemen Teori Dan Terapan, 2022 -
Objective: The study aims to analyze the important role of motivation in improving the
performance of company employees with the support of organizational commitment as a …