[LIBRO][B] Robust model-based fault diagnosis for dynamic systems

J Chen, RJ Patton - 2012 - books.google.com
There is an increasing demand for dynamic systems to become more safe and reliable. This
requirement extends beyond the normally accepted safety-critical systems of nuclear …

Design of integrated systems for the control and detection of actuator/sensor faults

J Stoustrup, MJ Grimble, H Niemann - Sensor review, 1997 - emerald.com
Considers control systems operating under potentially faulty conditions. Discusses the
problem of designing a single unit which not only handles the required control action but …

An application of H∞ fault detection and isolation to a transport aircraft

A Marcos, S Ganguli, GJ Balas - Control Engineering Practice, 2005 - Elsevier
This paper presents an application of H∞ fault detection and isolation (FDI) to the
longitudinal motion of a Boeing 747-100/200 aircraft. FDI filters are synthesized for open …

Filter design for failure detection and isolation in the presence of modeling errors and disturbances

HH Niemann, J Stoustrup - Proceedings of 35th IEEE …, 1996 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The design problem of filters for robust failure detection and isolation,(FDI) is addressed in
this paper. The failure detection problem will be considered with respect to both modeling …

Fault diagnosis of the IFAC Benchmark Problem with a model-based recurrent neural network

C Gan, K Danai - Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International …, 1999 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Demonstrates the utility of a model-based recurrent neural network (MBRNN) in fault
diagnosis. The MBRNN can be formatted according to a state-space model. Therefore, it can …

Integrating control and fault diagnosis: a separation result

J Stoustrup, MJ Grimble - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 1997 - Elsevier
A design method is presented which integrates control action and fault detection and
isolation. Control systems operating under potentially faulty conditions are considered. The …

[PDF][PDF] Detectando fallas mediante redundancia analítica

E Alcorta García - Ingenierías, 2001 - eprints.uanl.mx
Every system is vulnerable to faults due to the physical nature of its components. These
faults could cause severe damage. A way to reduce the effect of faults consist basically in …

Industrial actuator benchmark for fault detection and isolation

M Blanke, RJ Patton - Control Engineering Practice, 1995 - Elsevier
Feedback control systems are vulnerable to faults within the control loop, because feedback
actions may cause abrupt responses and process damage when faults occur. Such faults …

[LIBRO][B] Aircraft applications of fault detection and isolation techniques

AM Esteban - 2004 - search.proquest.com
In this thesis the problems of fault detection & isolation and fault tolerant systems are studied
from the perspective of LTI frequency-domain, model-based techniques. Emphasis is placed …

Isolation of multiplicative faults in the industrial actuator benchmark

M Mediavilla, LJ de Miguel, P Vega - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 1997 - Elsevier
This paper presents an approach to the problem of fault isolation applied to the actuator
benchmark test based on multiplicative fault isolation with parity equations. One of the …