Stably stratified atmospheric boundary layers
L Mahrt - Annual review of fluid mechanics, 2014 - annualreviews.org
Atmospheric boundary layers with weak stratification are relatively well described by
similarity theory and numerical models for stationary horizontally homogeneous conditions …
similarity theory and numerical models for stationary horizontally homogeneous conditions …
Parameterizing scalar transfer over snow and ice: A review
EL Andreas - Journal of Hydrometeorology, 2002 - journals.ametsoc.org
Evaluating the profiles of wind speed, temperature, and humidity in the atmospheric surface
layer or modeling the turbulent surface fluxes of sensible and latent heat over horizontally …
layer or modeling the turbulent surface fluxes of sensible and latent heat over horizontally …
A strategy for quality and uncertainty assessment of long-term eddy-covariance measurements
Eddy-covariance measurements are performed at several hundred sites all over the world
on a long-term basis. The gathered data are used to characterise ecosystem exchanges of …
on a long-term basis. The gathered data are used to characterise ecosystem exchanges of …
Post-field data quality control
This Chapter summarizes the steps of quality assurance and quality control of flux
measurements with the eddy covariance method. An important part is the di erent steps of …
measurements with the eddy covariance method. An important part is the di erent steps of …
Stratified atmospheric boundary layers
L Mahrt - Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 1999 - Springer
Various features of different stability regimes of the stable boundary layer are discussed.
Traditional layering is examined in terms of the roughness sublayer, surface layer, local …
Traditional layering is examined in terms of the roughness sublayer, surface layer, local …
Turbulence regimes and turbulence intermittency in the stable boundary layer during CASES-99
An investigation of nocturnal intermittent turbulence during the Cooperative Atmosphere–
Surface Exchange Study in 1999 (CASES-99) revealed three turbulence regimes at each …
Surface Exchange Study in 1999 (CASES-99) revealed three turbulence regimes at each …
CASES-99: A comprehensive investigation of the stable nocturnal boundary layer
GS Poulos, W Blumen, DC Fritts… - Bulletin of the …, 2002 - journals.ametsoc.org
The Cooperative Atmosphere–Surface Exchange Study—1999 (CASES-99) refers to a field
experiment carried out in southeast Kansas during October 1999 and the subsequent …
experiment carried out in southeast Kansas during October 1999 and the subsequent …
The critical Richardson number and limits of applicability of local similarity theory in the stable boundary layer
Measurements of atmospheric turbulence made over the Arctic pack ice during the Surface
Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean experiment (SHEBA) are used to determine the limits of …
Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean experiment (SHEBA) are used to determine the limits of …
Nocturnal boundary-layer regimes
L Mahrt - Boundary-layer meteorology, 1998 - Springer
This study analyzes turbulence data collected over a grassland site in the nocturnal
boundary layer. Examination of the dependence of the nocturnal boundary layer on stability …
boundary layer. Examination of the dependence of the nocturnal boundary layer on stability …
The cospectral gap and turbulent flux calculations
D Vickers, L Mahrt - Journal of atmospheric and oceanic …, 2003 - journals.ametsoc.org
An alternative method to Fourier analysis is discussed for studying the scale dependence of
variances and covariances in atmospheric boundary layer time series. Unlike Fourier …
variances and covariances in atmospheric boundary layer time series. Unlike Fourier …