Performance-based health monitoring, diagnostics and prognostics for condition-based maintenance of gas turbines: A review
With the privatization and intense competition that characterize the volatile energy sector,
the gas turbine industry currently faces new challenges of increasing operational flexibility …
the gas turbine industry currently faces new challenges of increasing operational flexibility …
An overview of the state of the art in aircraft prognostic and health management strategies
Aircraft are complex engineering systems composed of many interconnected subsystems
with possible uncertainties in their structure. They often function for a long number of flight …
with possible uncertainties in their structure. They often function for a long number of flight …
Remaining useful life prediction of aircraft engine based on degradation pattern learning
Prognostics, which usually means the prediction of the field reliability or the Remaining
Useful Life (RUL), is the basis of Prognostic and Health Management (PHM). Research in …
Useful Life (RUL), is the basis of Prognostic and Health Management (PHM). Research in …
LSTM-based multi-layer self-attention method for remaining useful life estimation of mechanical systems
J **a, Y Feng, C Lu, C Fei, X Xue - Engineering Failure Analysis, 2021 - Elsevier
Accurate remaining useful life (RUL) estimation is significant in reducing maintenance costs
and avoiding catastrophic failures of mechanical systems like an aeroengine. To effectively …
and avoiding catastrophic failures of mechanical systems like an aeroengine. To effectively …
Fast Bayesian inference of reparameterized gamma process with random effects
In the field of reliability engineering, the gamma process plays an important role in modeling
degradation processes. However, extracting lifetime information from product degradation …
degradation processes. However, extracting lifetime information from product degradation …
Time-lag selection for time-series forecasting using neural network and heuristic algorithm
The time-series forecasting is a vital area that motivates continuous investigate areas of
intrigued for different applications. A critical step for the time-series forecasting is the right …
intrigued for different applications. A critical step for the time-series forecasting is the right …
Performance-based gas turbine health monitoring, diagnostics, and prognostics: A survey
Health monitoring is an essential part of condition-based maintenance and prognostics and
health management for gas turbines. Various health monitoring systems have been …
health management for gas turbines. Various health monitoring systems have been …
Expert system dedicated to condition-based maintenance based on a knowledge graph approach: Application to an aeronautic system
A Sarazin, J Bascans, JB Sciau, J Song… - Expert Systems with …, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) has become the focus of many research
topics over the past decades. This is mostly related to the development of new machine …
topics over the past decades. This is mostly related to the development of new machine …
Multiscale deep bidirectional gated recurrent neural networks based prognostic method for complex non-linear degradation systems
Reliable estimation of the remaining useful life (RUL) of complex engineered systems plays
a vital role in avoiding undue maintenance situations while guaranteeing system safety …
a vital role in avoiding undue maintenance situations while guaranteeing system safety …
Unilateral alignment transfer neural network for fault diagnosis of aircraft engine
B Li, YP Zhao, YB Chen - Aerospace Science and Technology, 2021 - Elsevier
Data-driven fault diagnosis for aircraft engine has recently been widely studied, most of
which utilized traditional machine learning tools. However, these approaches often assumed …
which utilized traditional machine learning tools. However, these approaches often assumed …