A survey on hardware security: Current trends and challenges
Hardware security has become a critical concern due to the globalization of the Integrated
Circuit (IC) supply chain and the complex network connections of computing-intensive …
Circuit (IC) supply chain and the complex network connections of computing-intensive …
Hardware security for Internet of Things identity assurance
With the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, there is an increasing need to
prioritize their security, especially in the context of identity and authentication mechanisms …
prioritize their security, especially in the context of identity and authentication mechanisms …
Era of sentinel tech: Charting hardware security landscapes through post-silicon innovation, threat mitigation and future trajectories
To meet the demanding requirements of VLSI design, including improved speed, reduced
power consumption, and compact architectures, various IP cores from trusted and untrusted …
power consumption, and compact architectures, various IP cores from trusted and untrusted …
Hardware security in the internet of things: A survey
Over the past decades, researchers have paid a lot of attention to hardware security,
especially in the Internet of Things (IoT) field. As a result, lots of security approaches have …
especially in the Internet of Things (IoT) field. As a result, lots of security approaches have …
Distributed Energy Resource Management System (DERMS) Cybersecurity Scenarios, Trends, and Potential Technologies: A Review
Critical infrastructures like the power grid are at risk from increasing cyber threats due to
high penetration of interconnected distributed energy resources (DER). Compromised DER …
high penetration of interconnected distributed energy resources (DER). Compromised DER …
Protection Against Physical Attacks Through Self-Destructive Polymorphic Latch
On-chip assets, such as cryptographic keys, intermediate cipher computations, obfuscation
keys, and hardware security primitive outputs, are usually stored in volatile memories, eg …
keys, and hardware security primitive outputs, are usually stored in volatile memories, eg …
Aggressive design reuse for ubiquitous zero-trust edge security—From physical design to machine-learning-based hardware patching
M Alioto - IEEE Open Journal of the Solid-State Circuits Society, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This work presents an overview of challenges and solid pathways toward ubiquitous and
sustainable hardware security in next-generation silicon chips at the edge of distributed and …
sustainable hardware security in next-generation silicon chips at the edge of distributed and …
Laser voltage probing attack detection with 100% area/time coverage at above/below the bandgap wavelength and fully-automated design
In this work, a detection scheme signaling the occurrence of laser voltage probing (LVP)
attacks in digital designs (eg, cryptographic circuits) is introduced. The scheme comprises a …
attacks in digital designs (eg, cryptographic circuits) is introduced. The scheme comprises a …
Cross-PUF attacks: targeting FPGA implementation of arbiter-PUFs
The hardware primitives known as Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) generate unique
signatures based on uncontrollable variations which occur during the manufacturing …
signatures based on uncontrollable variations which occur during the manufacturing …
1/0 Shades of UC: Photonic Side-Channel Analysis of Universal Circuits
A universal circuit (UC) can be thought of as a programmable circuit that can simulate any
circuit up to a certain size by specifying its secret configuration bits. UCs have been …
circuit up to a certain size by specifying its secret configuration bits. UCs have been …