Quantifying charge carrier localization in chemically doped semiconducting polymers
Charge transport in semiconducting polymers ranges from localized (hop**-like) to
delocalized (metal-like), yet no quantitative model exists to fully capture this transport …
delocalized (metal-like), yet no quantitative model exists to fully capture this transport …
Mixed ionic–electronic conduction, a multifunctional property in organic conductors
Organic mixed ionic–electronic conductors (OMIECs) have gained recent interest and rapid
development due to their versatility in diverse applications ranging from sensing, actuation …
development due to their versatility in diverse applications ranging from sensing, actuation …
Significant enhancement of the electrical conductivity of conjugated polymers by post-processing side chain removal
The processability and electronic properties of conjugated polymers (CPs) have become
increasingly important due to the potential of these materials in redox and solid-state …
increasingly important due to the potential of these materials in redox and solid-state …
Effects of side-chain length and functionality on polar poly (dioxythiophene) s for saline-based organic electrochemical transistors
Understanding the impact of side chains on the aqueous redox properties of conjugated
polymers is crucial to unlocking their potential in bioelectrochemical devices, such as …
polymers is crucial to unlocking their potential in bioelectrochemical devices, such as …
Cost-effective, flexible, and colorful dynamic displays: removing underlying conducting layers from polymer-based electrochromic devices
Electrochromic (EC) materials and devices provide a user-controlled, dynamic way of
displaying information using low power, making them interesting for a range of applications …
displaying information using low power, making them interesting for a range of applications …
Probing comonomer selection effects on dioxythiophene-based aqueous-compatible polymers for redox applications
Oligoether-functionalized dioxythiophene polymers are a promising class of materials for
electrochemical applications requiring aqueous electrolytes with rapid, reversible redox …
electrochemical applications requiring aqueous electrolytes with rapid, reversible redox …
Beyond 17% stable perovskite solar module via polaron arrangement of tuned polymeric hole transport layer
We address the nature of electrochemically induced charged states in conjugated polymers,
their evolution as a function of electrochemical potential, and their coupling to their local …
their evolution as a function of electrochemical potential, and their coupling to their local …
Absorption coefficient and optical contrast modulation through side chain engineering of electrochromic polymers
Conjugated polymers can be electrochemically bleached to achieve colored-to-transmissive
electrochromic switching. This work presents a side chain engineering approach to enhance …
electrochromic switching. This work presents a side chain engineering approach to enhance …
Influence of fluorine substitution position on electrochromic and capacitive properties of hybrid conjugated polymer
Fluorine atom as side chain substituted conjugated polymer exhibits enhanced photoelectric
performance due to the intra-and inter-molecular interaction. However, the strong molecular …
performance due to the intra-and inter-molecular interaction. However, the strong molecular …