An update of the development of motor behavior
This primer describes research on the development of motor behavior. We focus on infancy
when basic action systems are acquired—posture, locomotion, manual actions, and facial …
when basic action systems are acquired—posture, locomotion, manual actions, and facial …
Implementing mobile eye tracking in psychological research: A practical guide
Eye tracking provides direct, temporally and spatially sensitive measures of eye gaze. It can
capture visual attention patterns from infancy through adulthood. However, commonly used …
capture visual attention patterns from infancy through adulthood. However, commonly used …
Touch to learn: Multisensory input supports word learning and processing
Infants experience language in rich multisensory environments. For example, they may first
be exposed to the word applesauce while touching, tasting, smelling, and seeing …
be exposed to the word applesauce while touching, tasting, smelling, and seeing …
The real‐time effects of parent speech on infants' multimodal attention and dyadic coordination
Parental responsiveness to infant behaviors is a strong predictor of infants' language and
cognitive outcomes. The mechanisms underlying this effect, however, are relatively …
cognitive outcomes. The mechanisms underlying this effect, however, are relatively …
The ECOLANG Multimodal Corpus of adult-child and adult-adult Language
Communication comprises a wealth of multimodal signals (eg, gestures, eye gaze,
intonation) in addition to speech and there is a growing interest in the study of multimodal …
intonation) in addition to speech and there is a growing interest in the study of multimodal …
Visual grounding helps learn word meanings in low-data regimes
Modern neural language models (LMs) are powerful tools for modeling human sentence
production and comprehension, and their internal representations are remarkably well …
production and comprehension, and their internal representations are remarkably well …
Controlling the input: How one‐year‐old infants sustain visual attention
Traditionally, the exogenous control of gaze by external saliencies and the endogenous
control of gaze by knowledge and context have been viewed as competing systems, with …
control of gaze by knowledge and context have been viewed as competing systems, with …
Black Female Head Start Teachers' Multimodal Meaning-Making in Prekindergarten Read-Alouds
Young children draw from verbal and nonverbal input to make meaning from texts, a skill
that is foundational for later reading comprehension and academic achievement. However …
that is foundational for later reading comprehension and academic achievement. However …
Consistency and variability in multimodal parent–child social interaction: An at-home study using head-mounted eye trackers.
Real-time attention coordination in parent–toddler dyads is often studied in tightly controlled
laboratory settings. These studies have demonstrated the importance of joint attention in …
laboratory settings. These studies have demonstrated the importance of joint attention in …
Lexicon-Level Contrastive Visual-Grounding Improves Language Modeling
Today's most accurate language models are trained on orders of magnitude more language
data than human language learners receive-but with no supervision from other sensory …
data than human language learners receive-but with no supervision from other sensory …