[HTML][HTML] The state of the art of discrete choice experiments in food research

S Lizin, S Rousseau, R Kessels, M Meulders… - Food Quality and …, 2022 - Elsevier
Discrete choice experiments (DCEs) have become an often-used research method in food
research due to their ability to uncover trade-offs made when choosing among multiple …

Hypothetical bias in stated choice experiments: Part I. Macro-scale analysis of literature and integrative synthesis of empirical evidence from applied economics …

M Haghani, MCJ Bliemer, JM Rose, H Oppewal… - Journal of choice …, 2021 - Elsevier
The notion of hypothetical bias (HB) constitutes, arguably, the most fundamental issue in
relation to the use of hypothetical survey methods. Whether or to what extent choices of …

Consumer preferences for farm-raised meat, lab-grown meat, and plant-based meat alternatives: Does information or brand matter?

EJ Van Loo, V Caputo, JL Lusk - Food Policy, 2020 - Elsevier
Despite rising interest in and sales of innovative non-animal-based protein sources, there
remains a lack of information about consumer demand for these new foods and their …

Understanding hypothetical bias: An enhanced meta‐analysis

JM Penn, W Hu - American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
The presence of hypothetical bias (HB) associated with stated preference methods has
garnered frequent attention in the broad literature trying to describe and understand human …

Economic analysis for ecosystem service assessments

IJ Bateman, GM Mace, C Fezzi, G Atkinson… - Valuing Ecosystem …, 2014 - elgaronline.com
The crucial role which natural systems play in underpinning economic activity and human
wellbeing is of growing concern as evidence mounts of the increasing human pressures …

Methodological advances in food choice experiments and modeling: current practices, challenges, and future research directions

V Caputo, R Scarpa - Annual Review of Resource Economics, 2022 - annualreviews.org
In recent decades, discrete choice experiment research applied to food choices has grown
rapidly. Empirical applications include investigations of consumer preferences and demand …

The use of insect meal as a sustainable feeding alternative in aquaculture: Current situation, Spanish consumers' perceptions and willingness to pay

PF Llagostera, Z Kallas, L Reig, DA De Gea - Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019 - Elsevier
The growth of aquaculture and the increasing demand of farmed fish have led to a rise in the
price of fishmeal and fish oil used in fish feeding during the last years. The experimental use …

Hypothetical bias, choice experiments and willingness to pay

DA Hensher - transportation research part B: methodological, 2010 - Elsevier
There is growing interest in establishing the extent of differences in willingness to pay (WTP)
for attributes, such as travel time savings, that are derived from real market settings and …

Hypothetical bias in Stated Choice Experiments: Is it a problem? And if so, how do we deal with it?

S Fifer, J Rose, S Greaves - Transportation research part A: policy and …, 2014 - Elsevier
The extent to which Stated Choice (SC) experiments suffer from hypothetical bias continues
to be a controversial topic in the literature. This research provides further evidence in this …

Tackling nutritional and health claims to disentangle their effects on consumer food choices and behaviour: A systematic review

P Ballco, A Gracia - Food Quality and Preference, 2022 - Elsevier
This systematic literature review collected and summarized research on consumer
preferences and the purchase behaviour of food products with nutritional claims (NCs) and …