Sign language recognition: A deep survey
Sign language, as a different form of the communication language, is important to large
groups of people in society. There are different signs in each sign language with variability …
groups of people in society. There are different signs in each sign language with variability …
[HTML][HTML] Artificial intelligence technologies for sign language
AI technologies can play an important role in breaking down the communication barriers of
deaf or hearing-impaired people with other communities, contributing significantly to their …
deaf or hearing-impaired people with other communities, contributing significantly to their …
An integrated mediapipe-optimized GRU model for Indian sign language recognition
Sign language recognition is challenged by problems, such as accurate tracking of hand
gestures, occlusion of hands, and high computational cost. Recently, it has benefited from …
gestures, occlusion of hands, and high computational cost. Recently, it has benefited from …
[HTML][HTML] Smart home automation-based hand gesture recognition using feature fusion and recurrent neural network
Gestures have been used for nonverbal communication for a long time, but human–
computer interaction (HCI) via gestures is becoming more common in the modern era. To …
computer interaction (HCI) via gestures is becoming more common in the modern era. To …
Multi-semantic discriminative feature learning for sign gesture recognition using hybrid deep neural architecture
The speech and hearing-impaired community use sign language as the primary means of
communication. It is quite challenging for the general population to interpret or learn sign …
communication. It is quite challenging for the general population to interpret or learn sign …
Multi-modal zero-shot dynamic hand gesture recognition
Abstract Zero-Shot Learning (ZSL) has rapidly advanced in recent years. Towards
overcoming the annotation bottleneck in the Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition (DHGR) …
overcoming the annotation bottleneck in the Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition (DHGR) …
Sign language production: A review
Sign Language is the dominant yet non-primary form of communication language used in
the deaf and hearing-impaired community. To make an easy and mutual communication …
the deaf and hearing-impaired community. To make an easy and mutual communication …
[HTML][HTML] Continuous word level sign language recognition using an expert system based on machine learning
The study of sign language recognition systems has been extensively explored using many
image processing and artificial intelligence techniques for many years, but the main …
image processing and artificial intelligence techniques for many years, but the main …
Isolated arabic sign language recognition using a transformer-based model and landmark keypoints
Pose-based approaches for sign language recognition provide light-weight and fast models
that can be adopted in real-time applications. This article presents a framework for isolated …
that can be adopted in real-time applications. This article presents a framework for isolated …
Using motion history images with 3d convolutional networks in isolated sign language recognition
Sign language recognition using computational models is a challenging problem that
requires simultaneous spatio-temporal modeling of the multiple sources, ie faces, hands …
requires simultaneous spatio-temporal modeling of the multiple sources, ie faces, hands …