Evaluating the status of theories of emotion in political science and psychology
Emotion is an increasingly influential area of research in psychology, political psychology,
political science, and other social sciences. Research is best when driven by theory …
political science, and other social sciences. Research is best when driven by theory …
Negative online news articles are shared more to social media
Prior research demonstrates that news-related social media posts using negative language
are re-posted more, rewarding users who produce negative content. We investigate whether …
are re-posted more, rewarding users who produce negative content. We investigate whether …
Content biases in three phases of cultural transmission: A review
Cultural evolution theory proposes that information transmitted through social learning is not
transmitted indiscriminately but is instead biased by heuristics and mechanisms which …
transmitted indiscriminately but is instead biased by heuristics and mechanisms which …
“Give your thumb a break” from surfing tragic posts: Potential corrosive consequences of social media users' doomscrolling
Negativity bias predicts that individuals will attend to, learn from, and prioritize negative
news more than positive news. Drawing from the addiction components model, this cross …
news more than positive news. Drawing from the addiction components model, this cross …
Cultural defaults in the time of COVID: Lessons for the future
Five years after the beginning of the COVID pandemic, one thing is clear: The East Asian
countries of Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea outperformed the United States in responding …
countries of Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea outperformed the United States in responding …
Work-from-home (WFH) during COVID-19 pandemic–A netnographic investigation using Twitter data
Purpose This paper aims to create a better understanding of the challenges posed by work
from home (WFH) during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, to investigate the public …
from home (WFH) during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, to investigate the public …
Feminism as a polarizing axis of the political conversation on Twitter the case of# IreneMonteroDimision
The fragmentation of the Spanish party system has led to a growing political polarization,
particularly evident on the Internet. The discursive strategies of political actors online …
particularly evident on the Internet. The discursive strategies of political actors online …
Negative expressions are shared more on Twitter for public figures than for ordinary users
Social media users tend to produce content that contains more positive than negative
emotional language. However, negative emotional language is more likely to be shared. To …
emotional language. However, negative emotional language is more likely to be shared. To …
[PDF][PDF] Embedding societal values into social media algorithms
Social media influences what we see and hear, what we believe, and how we act—but
artificial intelligence (AI) influences social media. By changing our social environments, AIs …
artificial intelligence (AI) influences social media. By changing our social environments, AIs …
The Emotional Impact of COVID‐19 News Reporting: A Longitudinal Study Using Natural Language Processing
The emotional impact of the COVID‐19 pandemic and ensuing social restrictions has been
profound, with widespread negative effects on mental health. We made use of the natural …
profound, with widespread negative effects on mental health. We made use of the natural …