Multilingual constituency parsing with self-attention and pre-training
We show that constituency parsing benefits from unsupervised pre-training across a variety
of languages and a range of pre-training conditions. We first compare the benefits of no pre …
of languages and a range of pre-training conditions. We first compare the benefits of no pre …
Head-driven phrase structure grammar parsing on Penn treebank
Head-driven phrase structure grammar (HPSG) enjoys a uniform formalism representing rich
contextual syntactic and even semantic meanings. This paper makes the first attempt to …
contextual syntactic and even semantic meanings. This paper makes the first attempt to …
A survey of syntactic-semantic parsing based on constituent and dependency structures
MS Zhang - Science China Technological Sciences, 2020 - Springer
Syntactic and semantic parsing has been investigated for decades, which is one primary
topic in the natural language processing community. This article aims for a brief survey on …
topic in the natural language processing community. This article aims for a brief survey on …
Rethinking self-attention: Towards interpretability in neural parsing
Attention mechanisms have improved the performance of NLP tasks while allowing models
to remain explainable. Self-attention is currently widely used, however interpretability is …
to remain explainable. Self-attention is currently widely used, however interpretability is …
Fast and accurate neural CRF constituency parsing
Estimating probability distribution is one of the core issues in the NLP field. However, in both
deep learning (DL) and pre-DL eras, unlike the vast applications of linear-chain CRF in …
deep learning (DL) and pre-DL eras, unlike the vast applications of linear-chain CRF in …
Bottom-up constituency parsing and nested named entity recognition with pointer networks
Constituency parsing and nested named entity recognition (NER) are similar tasks since
they both aim to predict a collection of nested and non-crossing spans. In this work, we cast …
they both aim to predict a collection of nested and non-crossing spans. In this work, we cast …
Improving constituency parsing with span attention
Constituency parsing is a fundamental and important task for natural language
understanding, where a good representation of contextual information can help this task. N …
understanding, where a good representation of contextual information can help this task. N …
Unsupervised parsing via constituency tests
We propose a method for unsupervised parsing based on the linguistic notion of a
constituency test. One type of constituency test involves modifying the sentence via some …
constituency test. One type of constituency test involves modifying the sentence via some …
[HTML][HTML] Multitask pointer network for multi-representational parsing
Dependency and constituent trees are widely used by many artificial intelligence
applications for representing the syntactic structure of human languages. Typically, these …
applications for representing the syntactic structure of human languages. Typically, these …
Don't parse, choose spans! continuous and discontinuous constituency parsing via autoregressive span selection
We present a simple and unified approach for both continuous and discontinuous
constituency parsing via autoregressive span selection. Constituency parsing aims to …
constituency parsing via autoregressive span selection. Constituency parsing aims to …