Research map** of policy network: A bibliometric analysis
The exploration of policy network has consistently gained popularity for its use in various
contemporary public administration and policy reports. Therefore, this research aims to …
contemporary public administration and policy reports. Therefore, this research aims to …
[HTML][HTML] “That'll teach them”: Investigating the soft power conversion model through the case of Russian higher education
CV Anne, K Elena - Высшее образование в России, 2022 - cyberleninka.ru
While the international environment remains characterized by the desire of states to
strengthen their position, the literature has revealed a growing preference for soft power …
strengthen their position, the literature has revealed a growing preference for soft power …
World-class universities in Russia: a contested norm and its implementation
A Crowley-Vigneau, Y Kalyuzhnova… - Journal of Studies in …, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
So-called'world-class universities' emerged on the global higher education scene following
the Second World War. Their development in countries around the world, particularly since …
the Second World War. Their development in countries around the world, particularly since …
Russian higher education under sanctions: a constructivist perspective
A Crowley-Vigneau, AA Baykov… - Polis Political …, 2022 - centaur.reading.ac.uk
Constructivists have convincingly shown through norm theory and multiple case studies that
ideas can be more influential than material conditions in determining political and social …
ideas can be more influential than material conditions in determining political and social …
The Global Norm on World-Class Universities and Russian Project 5-100
A Crowley-Vigneau - The National Implementation of International Norms …, 2022 - Springer
The international norm on world-class universities emerged on the global stage in the
1990s, gained momentum in the 2000s and reached maturity with the publication by the …
1990s, gained momentum in the 2000s and reached maturity with the publication by the …
[HTML][HTML] Политика приоритизации местных практик в российском высшем образовании: препятствие или помощь интернационализации?
В Анн, АА Байков, Е Калюжнова… - Вопросы …, 2021 - cyberleninka.ru
В статье анализируются противоречия между задачами модернизации и
предотвращения социальной дестабилизации в образовательной политике …
предотвращения социальной дестабилизации в образовательной политике …
[PDF][PDF] Redes transnacionais na produção da política externa
CAP Faria, LR Fróio - 2023 - repositorio.ipea.gov.br
O campo da análise de políticas públicas (APP) tem, há décadas, destacado o papel de
uma diversidade de atores não estatais na produção das políticas. Para os estudiosos da …
uma diversidade de atores não estatais na produção das políticas. Para os estudiosos da …
Küreselleşme ve Yükseköğretimde Ulusötesi Aktörlere Ilişkin Akademisyen Görüşleri
KBD Aladak - 2024 - search.proquest.com
Araştırmada, küreselleşmenin ve yükseköğretimde ulusötesi aktörlerin yükseköğretim
politikaları ve sistem üzerindeki etkilerinin akademisyen görüşüne göre incelenmesi …
politikaları ve sistem üzerindeki etkilerinin akademisyen görüşüne göre incelenmesi …
Norms Between Global Networks and Local Policies
A Crowley-Vigneau - The National Implementation of International Norms …, 2022 - Springer
The academic literature on international norms and Local Content (LC) policies offers key
insights into the optimal conditions for the domestic implementation of international norms …
insights into the optimal conditions for the domestic implementation of international norms …
НВ Сухова, ЛВ Бондарева - Российская школа связей с …, 2023 - cyberleninka.ru
Данная работа описывает восьмилетний опыт функционирования международной
англоязычной магистерской программы в НИТУ МИСИС. История становления …
англоязычной магистерской программы в НИТУ МИСИС. История становления …