[HTML][HTML] Business models for industrial symbiosis: A literature review
In recent years, companies have tried to implement various strategies focused on
sustainability that impact the way they do business. This is how industrial symbiosis, which is …
sustainability that impact the way they do business. This is how industrial symbiosis, which is …
Expanding roles for the Swedish waste management sector in inter-organizational resource management
Several waste management (WM) professionals see an ongoing shift in the focus of the
industry, from that of a transport and treatment sector to that of a more integrated sustainable …
industry, from that of a transport and treatment sector to that of a more integrated sustainable …
Sharing is caring-information and knowledge in industrial symbiosis: a systematic review
L Kosmol - 2019 IEEE 21st conference on business informatics …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In recent years, sharing information and knowledge has been emphasized as a prerequisite,
driver and essential activity of industrial symbiosis. Uncovering, implementing and …
driver and essential activity of industrial symbiosis. Uncovering, implementing and …
[HTML][HTML] Connecting organizational context to environmental sustainability initiatives and industrial symbiosis: empirical results and case analysis
L Harfeldt-Berg, M Harfeldt-Berg - Sustainable Production and …, 2023 - Elsevier
Industrial symbiosis can move us closer to a circular economy and enable efficient and
sustainable use of resources. Its potential has however been far from realized, and to …
sustainable use of resources. Its potential has however been far from realized, and to …
Usage of excess heat for district heating-Analysis of enabling factors and barriers
M Fritz, M Savin, A Aydemir - Journal of cleaner production, 2022 - Elsevier
The use of industrial excess heat can be an important factor for the expansion and
decarbonization of district heating networks. However, the enabling factors and barriers to …
decarbonization of district heating networks. However, the enabling factors and barriers to …
Governing industry decarbonisation: Policy implications from a firm perspective
Industry is responsible for around 1/3 of annual global greenhouse gas emissions. To limit
global warming, many nations, including Switzerland, have committed to a (near) net-zero …
global warming, many nations, including Switzerland, have committed to a (near) net-zero …
[HTML][HTML] Contracts, business models and barriers to investing in low temperature district heating projects
Approximately 1.2 EJ of energy are potentially available for recovery each year from urban
heat sources in the EU. This corresponds to more than 10 percent of the EU's total energy …
heat sources in the EU. This corresponds to more than 10 percent of the EU's total energy …
[HTML][HTML] Stakeholder interfaces for excess heat-based urban heat supply—Input from Swedish cases
Excess heat is generated from different industrial processes and from urban infrastructure
(sewage water, transport, datacentres and buildings). Thirty-five percent of the European …
(sewage water, transport, datacentres and buildings). Thirty-five percent of the European …
Risk assessment of industrial excess heat recovery in district heating systems
The recovery of industrial excess heat for use in district heating systems can be
characterised by great political interest, high potential, low utilisation and often high …
characterised by great political interest, high potential, low utilisation and often high …
The importance of individual actor characteristics and contextual aspects for promoting industrial symbiosis networks
Factors that affect and influence industrial symbiosis (IS) collaborations have been
researched extensively in the literature, where they are mostly reported at a network level or …
researched extensively in the literature, where they are mostly reported at a network level or …