The context dependence of non‐consumptive predator effects
Non‐consumptive predator effects (NCEs) are now widely recognised for their capacity to
shape ecosystem structure and function. Yet, forecasting the propagation of these predator …
shape ecosystem structure and function. Yet, forecasting the propagation of these predator …
Moving beyond landscape resistance: considerations for the future of connectivity modelling and conservation science
Landscape connectivity, the extent to which a landscape facilitates the flow of ecological
processes such as organism movement, has emerged as a central focus of landscape …
processes such as organism movement, has emerged as a central focus of landscape …
Large carnivore expansion in Europe is associated with human population density and land cover changes
Aim The recent recovery of large carnivores in Europe has been explained as resulting from
a decrease in human persecution driven by widespread rural land abandonment, paralleled …
a decrease in human persecution driven by widespread rural land abandonment, paralleled …
[CARTE][B] Rewilding european landscapes
HM Pereira, LM Navarro - 2015 - library.oapen.org
During the last century humans have dramatically accelerated alterations and loss of
biodiversity worldwide. Changes to our planet's ecosystems by Humans go back tens of …
biodiversity worldwide. Changes to our planet's ecosystems by Humans go back tens of …
Spatial and temporal structure of a mesocarnivore guild in midwestern North America
Carnivore guilds play a vital role in ecological communities by cascading trophic effects,
energy and nutrient transfer, and stabilizing or destabilizing food webs. Consequently, the …
energy and nutrient transfer, and stabilizing or destabilizing food webs. Consequently, the …
[HTML][HTML] Feral cats are better killers in open habitats, revealed by animal-borne video
One of the key gaps in understanding the impacts of predation by small mammalian
predators on prey is how habitat structure affects the hunting success of small predators …
predators on prey is how habitat structure affects the hunting success of small predators …
Nowhere to hide: effects of linear features on predator–prey dynamics in a large mammal system
Rapid landscape alteration associated with human activity is currently challenging the
evolved dynamical stability of many predator–prey systems by forcing species to …
evolved dynamical stability of many predator–prey systems by forcing species to …
Home ranges, habitat and body mass: simple correlates of home range size in ungulates
The spatial scale of animal space use, eg measured as individual home range size, is a key
trait with important implications for ecological and evolutionary processes as well as …
trait with important implications for ecological and evolutionary processes as well as …
A 'dynamic'landscape of fear: prey responses to spatiotemporal variations in predation risk across the lunar cycle
Ambiguous empirical support for 'landscapes of fear'in natural systems may stem from failure
to consider dynamic temporal changes in predation risk. The lunar cycle dramatically alters …
to consider dynamic temporal changes in predation risk. The lunar cycle dramatically alters …
Map** attack hotspots to mitigate human–carnivore conflict: approaches and applications of spatial predation risk modeling
JRB Miller - Biodiversity and Conservation, 2015 - Springer
A major challenge in carnivore conservation worldwide is identifying priority human–
carnivore conflict sites where mitigation efforts would be most effective. Spatial predation risk …
carnivore conflict sites where mitigation efforts would be most effective. Spatial predation risk …