Dynamic cluster-based over-demand prediction in bike sharing systems
Bike sharing is booming globally as a green transportation mode, but the occurrence of over-
demand stations that have no bikes or docks available greatly affects user experiences …
demand stations that have no bikes or docks available greatly affects user experiences …
eTourism: ICT and its role for tourism management
Purpose This paper aims to present innovative information and communication technology
(ICT) infrastructure specifically designed and optimized for the tourism sector. The case …
(ICT) infrastructure specifically designed and optimized for the tourism sector. The case …
CrowdPatrol: A mobile crowdsensing framework for traffic violation hotspot patrolling
Traffic violations have become one of the major threats to urban transportation systems,
undermining human safety and causing economic losses. To alleviate this problem, crowd …
undermining human safety and causing economic losses. To alleviate this problem, crowd …
AV Anttiroiko - AI & society, 2013 - Springer
This article discusses the background, nature and application of the concept of ubiquitous
city, presenting u-city initiatives of affluent and techno-savvy cities in Asia and the West with …
city, presenting u-city initiatives of affluent and techno-savvy cities in Asia and the West with …