Simulation in manufacturing: Review and challenges
Simulation comprises an indispensable set of technological tools and methods for the
successful implementation of digital manufacturing, since it allows for the experimentation …
successful implementation of digital manufacturing, since it allows for the experimentation …
Food traceability: A generic theoretical framework
Numerous studies have been performed in food traceability, but there is no common, clear
understanding of its theoretical concepts which are scattered and disjointed across the …
understanding of its theoretical concepts which are scattered and disjointed across the …
The link between supply chain fit and financial performance of the firm
The bottom-line financial impact of supply chain management has been of continuing
interest. Building on the operations strategy literature, Fisher's (1997) conceptual framework …
interest. Building on the operations strategy literature, Fisher's (1997) conceptual framework …
Supply chain integration and performance: the moderating effect of supply complexity
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effectiveness of supply chain
integration in different contexts. More specifically, it aims to show that supply chain …
integration in different contexts. More specifically, it aims to show that supply chain …
Supply chain flexibility, uncertainty and firm performance: An empirical analysis of German manufacturing firms
U Merschmann, UW Thonemann - International Journal of Production …, 2011 - Elsevier
Supply chain flexibility is widely seen as one major response to the increasing uncertainty
and competition in the marketplace. Researchers and practitioners acknowledge the …
and competition in the marketplace. Researchers and practitioners acknowledge the …
Empirical research opportunities in reverse supply chains
C Prahinski, C Kocabasoglu - Omega, 2006 - Elsevier
This study reviews the literature in reverse supply chains (RSCs) and develops 10 research
propositions to be studied using empirical research methods. Businesses increasingly have …
propositions to be studied using empirical research methods. Businesses increasingly have …
The technology life cycle: Conceptualization and managerial implications
M Taylor, A Taylor - International journal of production economics, 2012 - Elsevier
This paper argues that the technology life cycle literature is confused and incomplete. This
literature is first reviewed with consideration of the related concepts of the life cycles for …
literature is first reviewed with consideration of the related concepts of the life cycles for …
Production and supply network strategies within the fashion industry
Decisions on where and how to locate a production and supply network have become an
increasingly important part of a firm's global supply network strategy and are critical to obtain …
increasingly important part of a firm's global supply network strategy and are critical to obtain …
Social and environmental risk management in supply chains: a survey in the clothing industry
M Freise, S Seuring - Logistics Research, 2015 - Springer
Almost daily, news indicates that there are environmental and social problems in globally
fragmented supply chains. Even though conceptualisations of sustainable supply chain …
fragmented supply chains. Even though conceptualisations of sustainable supply chain …
Internal lean practices and operational performance: The contingency perspective of industry clockspeed
Purpose–The purpose of this research is to examine the effect of internal lean practices on
multiple operational performance dimensions, and assess the contingency perspective of …
multiple operational performance dimensions, and assess the contingency perspective of …