Statistical analysis and flight route extraction from automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast data
I Ostroumov, N Kuzmenko - 2022 Integrated Communication …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Modern air traffic management considers wide integration of Automatic Dependent
Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) technology in existing air navigation system. Each airspace …
Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) technology in existing air navigation system. Each airspace …
Identifying the sources of flight inefficiency from historical aircraft trajectories. A set of distance-and fuel-based performance indicators for post-operational analysis.
X Prats Menéndez, R Dalmau Codina… - Proceedings of the …, 2019 - upcommons.upc.edu
In this paper a set of new performance indicators (PIs) aiming to capture the environmental
impact of aircraft operations is proposed. Its contribution is threefold: optimal trajectories are …
impact of aircraft operations is proposed. Its contribution is threefold: optimal trajectories are …
[PDF][PDF] Evaluating transatlantic flight emissions and inefficiencies using space-based ADS-B data
J Sun, A Tassanbi, P Obojski… - Proceedings of the 13th …, 2023 - repository.tudelft.nl
The increasing demand for global air travel has intensified the urgency to mitigate aviation's
carbon emissions. Continuous monitoring of aircraft fuel efficiency and emissions has …
carbon emissions. Continuous monitoring of aircraft fuel efficiency and emissions has …
Assessing the environmental impact of Continuous Descent Operations based on Quick Access Recorder and surveillance data
M del Pozo Domínguez, JL Leonés… - 2023 IEEE/AIAA …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Continuous Climb Operations (CCOs) and Continuous Descent Operations (CDOs) are
aircraft operating techniques enabled by airspace design and facilitated by Air Traffic …
aircraft operating techniques enabled by airspace design and facilitated by Air Traffic …
Level-offs in terminal areas and path stretches: Empirically estimating extra fuel burn rates in commercial aviation
JBT Szenczuk, R de Arantes Gomes - Journal of Air Transport Management, 2022 - Elsevier
Improvements in air traffic management (ATM) and aircraft operations can have significant
impacts on reducing jet fuel consumption. Although there are studies concerned with …
impacts on reducing jet fuel consumption. Although there are studies concerned with …
Evaluating Aviation Emission Inefficiencies and Reduction Challenges with Electric Flights Based on an analysis of flights from 2019 in the Dutch and French …
Inefficiencies in flight operations, like deviations and non-optimal flight speed or altitude, are
directly linked to flight emission inefficiencies. Quantifying these emission inefficiencies and …
directly linked to flight emission inefficiencies. Quantifying these emission inefficiencies and …
Data-driven methodology for uncertainty quantification of aircraft trajectory predictions
A Muñoz Hernández, M Polaina… - 2021 IEEE/AIAA …, 2021 - upcommons.upc.edu
This work present a framework based on datadriven techniques for quantifying and chaos
theory for propagating the uncertainty present in the aircraft trajectory prediction process …
theory for propagating the uncertainty present in the aircraft trajectory prediction process …
[PDF][PDF] Estimation of horizontal flight efficiency for air traffic management system
I Ostroumov, N Kuzmenko - 2024 - ceur-ws.org
Optimal trajectory selection is one of the common navigation tasks. Air transportation
considers horizontal and vertical flight efficiency. Different criteria of trajectory efficiency …
considers horizontal and vertical flight efficiency. Different criteria of trajectory efficiency …
Generički model za procjenu vertikalne učinkovitosti leta zrakoplova u prilazu i penjanju
M Soldo Jocić - 2024 - repozitorij.fpz.unizg.hr
Vertikalna učinkovitost leta zrakoplova ključna je za procjenu ekonomskih i okolišnih
utjecaja sustava upravljanja zračnim prometom (Air Traffic Management-ATM). Vertikalne …
utjecaja sustava upravljanja zračnim prometom (Air Traffic Management-ATM). Vertikalne …
Study of navigation charges in Europe
D Cenador García - 2023 - upcommons.upc.edu
This study focuses on the development of a code capable of generating a 2D route (a series
of waypoints with latitude and longitude coordinates) between two airports inside …
of waypoints with latitude and longitude coordinates) between two airports inside …