Adversarial robustness of neural networks from the perspective of lipschitz calculus: A survey
We survey the adversarial robustness of neural networks from the perspective of Lipschitz
calculus in a unifying fashion by expressing models, attacks and safety guarantees—that is …
calculus in a unifying fashion by expressing models, attacks and safety guarantees—that is …
[KNYGA][B] Nonlinear potential theory on metric spaces
A Björn, J Björn - 2011 - ems.press
In the first half of the 20th century, analysis went from studying smooth functions to
nonsmooth ones, introducing such notions as weak solutions, Sobolev spaces and …
nonsmooth ones, introducing such notions as weak solutions, Sobolev spaces and …
Non-local diffusions, drifts and games
L Caffarelli - Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations: The Abel …, 2012 - Springer
This is a brief discussion of the properties of solutions to several non-linear elliptic equations
involving diffusive processes of non-local nature. These equation arise in several contexts …
involving diffusive processes of non-local nature. These equation arise in several contexts …
[KNYGA][B] Notes on the stationary p-Laplace equation
P Lindqvist - 2019 - Springer
The most important partial differential equation of the second order is the celebrated Laplace
equation. This is the prototype for linear elliptic equations. It is less well known that it also …
equation. This is the prototype for linear elliptic equations. It is less well known that it also …
[KNYGA][B] Notes on the p-Laplace equation
P Lindqvist - 2006 - math.jyu.fi
These notes are written up after my lectures at the Summer School in Jyväskylä in August
2005. I am grateful to **ao Zhong for his valuable assistance with the practical …
2005. I am grateful to **ao Zhong for his valuable assistance with the practical …
Tug-of-war with noise: A game-theoretic view of the -Laplacian
Y Peres, S Sheffield - 2008 - projecteuclid.org
Fix a bounded domain Ω⊂ R d, a continuous function F:∂ Ω→ R, and constants ε> 0 and 1<
p, q<∞ with p− 1+ q− 1= 1. For each x∈ Ω, let u ε (x) be the value for player I of the following …
p, q<∞ with p− 1+ q− 1= 1. For each x∈ Ω, let u ε (x) be the value for player I of the following …
On the -Laplacian and -Laplacian on Graphs with Applications in Image and Data Processing
In this paper we introduce a new family of partial difference operators on graphs and study
equations involving these operators. This family covers local variational p-Laplacian, ∞ …
equations involving these operators. This family covers local variational p-Laplacian, ∞ …
[KNYGA][B] Conformal dimension: theory and application
JM Mackay, JT Tyson - 2010 - books.google.com
Conformal dimension measures the extent to which the Hausdorff dimension of a metric
space can be lowered by quasisymmetric deformations. Introduced by Pansu in 1989, this …
space can be lowered by quasisymmetric deformations. Introduced by Pansu in 1989, this …
Asymptotic behavior of\ell_p-based laplacian regularization in semi-supervised learning
Given a weighted graph with N vertices, consider a real-valued regression problem in a
semi-supervised setting, where one observes n labeled vertices, and the task is to label the …
semi-supervised setting, where one observes n labeled vertices, and the task is to label the …
The game theoretic p-Laplacian and semi-supervised learning with few labels
J Calder - Nonlinearity, 2018 - iopscience.iop.org
We study the game theoretic p-Laplacian for semi-supervised learning on graphs, and show
that it is well-posed in the limit of finite labeled data and infinite unlabeled data. In particular …
that it is well-posed in the limit of finite labeled data and infinite unlabeled data. In particular …