[HTML][HTML] Leveraging complexity for ecosystemic innovation
This paper looks at innovation ecosystems through the lens of complexity science,
considering them as open non-linear entities that are characterized by changing multi …
considering them as open non-linear entities that are characterized by changing multi …
[KNIHA][B] The Oxford handbook of innovation management
The Oxford Handbook of Innovation Management offers a comprehensive and timely
analysis of the nature and importance of innovation and the strategies and practices that can …
analysis of the nature and importance of innovation and the strategies and practices that can …
Path dependence and regional economic evolution
In recent years, economic geographers have seized on the concepts of 'path
dependence'and 'lock-in'as key ingredients in constructing an evolutionary approach to their …
dependence'and 'lock-in'as key ingredients in constructing an evolutionary approach to their …
[KNIHA][B] The handbook of evolutionary economic geography
RA Boschma, RL Martin - 2010 - books.google.com
The handbook of evolutionary economic geography Page 1 The Handbook of Evolutionary
Economic Geography Edited by Ron Boschma and Ron Martin EE Page 2 THE HANDBOOK …
Economic Geography Edited by Ron Boschma and Ron Martin EE Page 2 THE HANDBOOK …
Complexity thinking and evolutionary economic geography
Thus far, most of the work towards the construction of an evolutionary economic geography
has drawn upon a particular version of evolutionary economics, namely the Nelson-Winter …
has drawn upon a particular version of evolutionary economics, namely the Nelson-Winter …
Constructing an evolutionary economic geography
Change is one of capitalism's constants. As a mode of economic organization, capitalism
never stands still. Its central imperative—the search for profit and wealth creation—drives a …
never stands still. Its central imperative—the search for profit and wealth creation—drives a …
Complexity, institutions and public policy: Agile decision-making in a turbulent world
G Room - Complexity, Institutions and Public Policy, 2011 - elgaronline.com
The ideas presented here are ones with which I have wrestled for more than a decade.
Nevertheless, the bulk of the work was undertaken during a two year Research Fellowship …
Nevertheless, the bulk of the work was undertaken during a two year Research Fellowship …
Path dependence and new technological path creation in the Danish wind power industry
J Simmie - European Planning Studies, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
In this paper, it is argued that in order to overcome the limitations of canonical path
dependence and new path creation theories that arise from the different ontological …
dependence and new path creation theories that arise from the different ontological …
[KNIHA][B] The general theory of economic evolution
The first book to chart the development of the field of evolutionary economics, this book
provides an integrated generic framework to define the rules of an economic system; how …
provides an integrated generic framework to define the rules of an economic system; how …
On economic growth, marketing systems, and the quality of life
RA Layton - Journal of Macromarketing, 2009 - journals.sagepub.com
In addition to favorable institutions and knowledge accumulation, there is a third significant
set of factors that could and should be taken into the analysis of economic growth. Where …
set of factors that could and should be taken into the analysis of economic growth. Where …