[KİTAP][B] Dynamical systems and nonlinear waves in plasmas
A Saha, S Banerjee - 2021 - taylorfrancis.com
Dynamical systems and Nonlinear Waves in Plasmas is written in a clear and
comprehensible style to serve as a compact volume for advanced postgraduate students …
comprehensible style to serve as a compact volume for advanced postgraduate students …
Modulational instability and generation of envelope solitons in four‐component space plasmas
The four‐component space plasma (containing immobile positive ions, inertial cold
positrons, and inertia‐less hot electrons and positrons following Cairns' non‐thermal …
positrons, and inertia‐less hot electrons and positrons following Cairns' non‐thermal …
Phase plane analysis of the dust-acoustic waves for the Burgers equation in a strongly coupled dusty plasma
Phase plane analysis of dust-acoustic waves (DAWs) for the Burgers equation is
investigated in a strongly coupled dusty plasma (SCDP) for the first time. The Burgers …
investigated in a strongly coupled dusty plasma (SCDP) for the first time. The Burgers …
Stability analysis of linear ion waves leading to nonlinear shock and soliton structures in a dense quantum plasma with strongly coupled ions and degenerate …
In a quantum plasma with strongly coupled ions and Fermi degenerate electron fluids,
features of low frequency wave dispersion and nonlinear electrostatic structure formation are …
features of low frequency wave dispersion and nonlinear electrostatic structure formation are …
Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers equation in a multi-component magnetized plasma with nuclei of heavy elements
The nonlinear properties of ion-acoustic (IA) waves are investigated in a relativistically
degenerate magnetized quantum plasma, whose constituents are non-degenerate inertial …
degenerate magnetized quantum plasma, whose constituents are non-degenerate inertial …
Relativistic ion-acoustic solitary waves in a magnetized pair ion dense plasma with nuclei of heavy elements
The propagation of ion-acoustic solitary waves (IASWs) in a magnetized collisionless
degenerate plasma system for describing collective plasma oscillations in dense quantum …
degenerate plasma system for describing collective plasma oscillations in dense quantum …
An unmagnetized strongly coupled plasma: heavy ion acoustic shock wave excitations
The propagation of heavy ion-acoustic shock waves (HIASWs) are studied in an
unmagnetized strongly coupled plasma having inertial positively charged heavy ions (HIs) …
unmagnetized strongly coupled plasma having inertial positively charged heavy ions (HIs) …
Higher order nonlinear dust-acoustic waves in a dusty plasma with dust of opposite polarity
The nonlinear propagation of dust-acoustic (DA) waves in an unmagnetized dusty plasma
(containing positive and negatively charged inertial dust grains and nonextensive distributed …
(containing positive and negatively charged inertial dust grains and nonextensive distributed …
Kinetic theory of electrostatic surface waves in a dusty plasma slab with electrons/ions featuring the Tsallis distribution
The linear excitation of surface dust-ion-acoustic waves in a semi-bounded dusty plasma
and a dusty plasma slab comprising Tsallis distributed electrons and ions is studied. The …
and a dusty plasma slab comprising Tsallis distributed electrons and ions is studied. The …
Role of electrons non-extensivity on the fully nonlinear dust-ion acoustic solitary waves
HG Abdelwahed, R Sabry, AF Alsarhan - Physica Scripta, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
Fully nonlinear dust-ion acoustic solitary waves are investigated in a multi-species plasma
model comprised of warm positive mobile ions with a non-zero ion temperature, non …
model comprised of warm positive mobile ions with a non-zero ion temperature, non …