[HTML][HTML] A review of project-based learning in higher education: Student outcomes and measures
Project-based learning (PjBL) is understood to be a promising approach that improves
student learning in higher education. Empirical studies on project-based learning have been …
student learning in higher education. Empirical studies on project-based learning have been …
Project based learning in promoting learner autonomy
Students active learning in EFL Class is a necessity because language learning without
practicing decrease the effectivity of learning achievement. In today curriculum no more …
practicing decrease the effectivity of learning achievement. In today curriculum no more …
the Effectiveness of Project-Based Learning Models in Improving Understanding of Statistical Concepts
Every student in higher education will learn about statistics. Statistics is knowledge about
data collection, data classification, presentation, processing, drawing conclusions, and …
data collection, data classification, presentation, processing, drawing conclusions, and …
Recipe Modification as a Means of Learning and Applying the Scientific Method
JA Dabrowski… - Journal of Chemical …, 2021 - ACS Publications
While scientists place high value on the scientific method, its relevance to everyday life is
often opaque to nonscientists. In undergraduate teaching, its implementation is primarily …
often opaque to nonscientists. In undergraduate teaching, its implementation is primarily …
Penerapan Project Based Learning dalam Praktikum Teknologi Fermentasi di Sekolah Vokasi Institut Pertanian Bogor
Teknologi fermentasi merupakan salah satu mata kuliah di Program Studi Supervisor
Jaminan Mutu Pangan (SJMP), Sekolah Vokasi Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) yang …
Jaminan Mutu Pangan (SJMP), Sekolah Vokasi Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) yang …
Project-based learning to create effective biology teaching
This research aims to create effective biology teaching to improve student learning
outcomes and activeness using project-based learning (PjBL). Classroom action research …
outcomes and activeness using project-based learning (PjBL). Classroom action research …
[PDF][PDF] Linguistic Features of Different Proficiency Learners' Oral Performance in a Project-Based Learning Context.
Abstract Project-Based Learning (PBL) can potentially enhance learners' oral proficiency.
However, little evidence supports how PBL improves learners' complexity, accuracy, and …
However, little evidence supports how PBL improves learners' complexity, accuracy, and …
The Study of Activity Based Learning (ABL) and their Challenges in Implementation for Higher Education Institutions
B Kurian - Asian Journal of Science and Applied Technology, 2022 - ajsat.org
Activity based learning (ABL) is apprehended to be a promising approach that improves
student learning in higher education. Empirical studies on ABL with a focus on student have …
student learning in higher education. Empirical studies on ABL with a focus on student have …
The impact of project-based learning in the secondary classroom
A Kies - 2018 - nwcommons.nwciowa.edu
How to increase student engagement in the classroom and prepare the students for the
future are questions that teachers have been pondering for decades. Over the years, many …
future are questions that teachers have been pondering for decades. Over the years, many …
[PDF][PDF] Successful high school apprenticeships
JR Curry - American School Counselor Association, 2018 - schoolcounselor.org
The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) supports school counselors' efforts to
help students focus on academic, career and social/emotional development so they achieve …
help students focus on academic, career and social/emotional development so they achieve …