Inappropriate use of emergency services: a systematic review of prevalence and associated factors
MLV Carret, ACG Fassa… - Cadernos de saude …, 2009 - SciELO Brasil
This systematic review aimed to measure the prevalence of inappropriate emergency
department (ED) use by adults and associated factors. The review included 31 articles …
department (ED) use by adults and associated factors. The review included 31 articles …
Primary care professionals providing non‐urgent care in hospital emergency departments
Background In many countries emergency departments (EDs) are facing an increase in
demand for services, long‐waits and severe crowding. One response to mitigate …
demand for services, long‐waits and severe crowding. One response to mitigate …
Socioeconomic determinants of health: Health inequalities: relative or absolute material standards?
RG Wilkinson - Bmj, 1997 -
That mortality in developed countries is affected more by relative than absolute living
standards is shown by three pieces of evidence. Firstly, mortality is related more closely to …
standards is shown by three pieces of evidence. Firstly, mortality is related more closely to …
A framework for healthcare planning and control
EW Hans, M Van Houdenhoven… - Handbook of healthcare …, 2011 - Springer
Rising expenditures spur health care organizations to organize their processes more
efficiently and effectively. Unfortunately, health care planning and control lags behind …
efficiently and effectively. Unfortunately, health care planning and control lags behind …
[PDF][PDF] Vulnerable groups and access to health care: a critical interpretive review
The literature in the area of access to health care is large, diverse, and complex. It includes
empirical work using both qualitative and quantitative methods (and a diversity of …
empirical work using both qualitative and quantitative methods (and a diversity of …
Will alternative immediate care services reduce demands for non-urgent treatment at accident and emergency?
P Coleman, R Irons, J Nicholl - Emergency Medicine Journal, 2001 -
Objectives—To estimate the potential of general practice, minor injury units, walk in centres
and NHS Direct to reduce non-urgent demands on accident and emergency (A&E) …
and NHS Direct to reduce non-urgent demands on accident and emergency (A&E) …
[PDF][PDF] A atenção primária à saúde nos países da União Européia: configurações e reformas organizacionais na década de 1990
L Giovanella - Cadernos de saúde pública, 2006 - SciELO Public Health
Propósitos de contenção de gastos em saúde e exigências de mudanças no perfil
epidemiológico, impulsionaram durante a década de 90 reformas organizacionais dos …
epidemiológico, impulsionaram durante a década de 90 reformas organizacionais dos …
Quality of after-hours primary care in the Netherlands: a narrative review
Many Western countries are seeking an organizational model for after-hours primary care
that is safe, efficient, and satisfactory for patients and health care professionals. Around the …
that is safe, efficient, and satisfactory for patients and health care professionals. Around the …
Strategies and solutions to alleviate access block and overcrowding in emergency departments
SSW Chan, NK Cheung, CA Graham… - Hong Kong Medical …, 2015 -
Objectives: Access block refers to the delay caused for patients in gaining access to in-
patient beds after being admitted. It is almost always associated with emergency department …
patient beds after being admitted. It is almost always associated with emergency department …
Primary care services located with EDs: a review of effectiveness
Background Primary care focused unscheduled care centres (UCC) co-located with major
EDs have been proposed as a solution to the rise in ED attendances. They aim to reduce the …
EDs have been proposed as a solution to the rise in ED attendances. They aim to reduce the …