Inappropriate use of emergency services: a systematic review of prevalence and associated factors

MLV Carret, ACG Fassa… - Cadernos de saude …, 2009 - SciELO Brasil
This systematic review aimed to measure the prevalence of inappropriate emergency
department (ED) use by adults and associated factors. The review included 31 articles …

Primary care professionals providing non‐urgent care in hospital emergency departments

JK Khangura, G Flodgren, R Perera… - Cochrane Database …, 2012 -
Background In many countries emergency departments (EDs) are facing an increase in
demand for services, long‐waits and severe crowding. One response to mitigate …

Socioeconomic determinants of health: Health inequalities: relative or absolute material standards?

RG Wilkinson - Bmj, 1997 -
That mortality in developed countries is affected more by relative than absolute living
standards is shown by three pieces of evidence. Firstly, mortality is related more closely to …

A framework for healthcare planning and control

EW Hans, M Van Houdenhoven… - Handbook of healthcare …, 2011 - Springer
Rising expenditures spur health care organizations to organize their processes more
efficiently and effectively. Unfortunately, health care planning and control lags behind …

[PDF][PDF] Vulnerable groups and access to health care: a critical interpretive review

MD Woods, MD Kirk, MS Agarwal, E Annandale… - … coordinating centre NHS …, 2005 - Citeseer
The literature in the area of access to health care is large, diverse, and complex. It includes
empirical work using both qualitative and quantitative methods (and a diversity of …

Will alternative immediate care services reduce demands for non-urgent treatment at accident and emergency?

P Coleman, R Irons, J Nicholl - Emergency Medicine Journal, 2001 -
Objectives—To estimate the potential of general practice, minor injury units, walk in centres
and NHS Direct to reduce non-urgent demands on accident and emergency (A&E) …

[PDF][PDF] A atenção primária à saúde nos países da União Européia: configurações e reformas organizacionais na década de 1990

L Giovanella - Cadernos de saúde pública, 2006 - SciELO Public Health
Propósitos de contenção de gastos em saúde e exigências de mudanças no perfil
epidemiológico, impulsionaram durante a década de 90 reformas organizacionais dos …

Quality of after-hours primary care in the Netherlands: a narrative review

P Giesen, M Smits, L Huibers, R Grol… - Annals of internal …, 2011 -
Many Western countries are seeking an organizational model for after-hours primary care
that is safe, efficient, and satisfactory for patients and health care professionals. Around the …

Strategies and solutions to alleviate access block and overcrowding in emergency departments

SSW Chan, NK Cheung, CA Graham… - Hong Kong Medical …, 2015 -
Objectives: Access block refers to the delay caused for patients in gaining access to in-
patient beds after being admitted. It is almost always associated with emergency department …

Primary care services located with EDs: a review of effectiveness

S Ramlakhan, S Mason, C O'Keeffe… - Emergency Medicine …, 2016 -
Background Primary care focused unscheduled care centres (UCC) co-located with major
EDs have been proposed as a solution to the rise in ED attendances. They aim to reduce the …