[کتاب][B] How standards rule the world: The construction of a global control regime

I Gustafsson - 2020‏ - books.google.com
This book explains how international standards have come to specify almost all aspects of
society, While resting on buzzwords such as 'trust'and 'confidence', the global control regime …

Big third-party certifiers and the construction of transnational regulation

JP Galland - The Annals of the American Academy of …, 2017‏ - journals.sagepub.com
International trade is increasingly regulated through standardization, certification, and
accreditation. To ensure that consumers can trust that the products they buy meet regulators' …

El mercado interior europeo: las libertades económicas comunitarias: mercancías, personas, servicios y capitales

B Pérez de las Heras - 2008‏ - torrossa.com
El mercado interior europeo : las libertades económicas comunitarias : mercancías, personas,
servicios y capitales / Beatriz P Page 1 Beatriz Pérez de las Heras El Mercado Interior Europeo …

Public intervention in private rule-making: the role of the European Commission in industry standardization

N Meyer - 2012‏ - etheses.lse.ac.uk
The thesis investigates the role of public actors in private rule-making processes at the
example of the European Commission's interventions in private industry standardization in …

Standardising policy in a nonstandard way: a public/private standardisation process in Norway

A Heyerdahl - Journal of Public Policy, 2023‏ - cambridge.org
Standards developed by standard-setting organisations (SSOs)–sometimes labelled private
rulemaking–are part of larger practices of governance in most societies yet are …

European Public–Private Collaboration: A Choice Between Efficiency and Democratic Accountability?

U Mörth - European Public–Private Collaboration, 2008‏ - elgaronline.com
This book looks at some of the major themes concerning governance in the EU, namely the
focus on market-friendly regulations, output legitimacy and how the requirement of efficiency …

The political standardizer

C Frankel, E Højbjerg - Business & Society, 2012‏ - journals.sagepub.com
Our aim in this article is to demonstrate that corporate technical activity and corporate
political activity can overlap substantially or intertwine in ways quite difficult to tease apart …


F Janning - Bourdieu-Handbuch: Leben—Werk—Wirkung, 2014‏ - Springer
Bourdieu hat seine Theorie der Politik vor allem in mehreren Aufsätzen aus den 1980er und
frühen 1990er Jahren dargelegt, die später in mehreren Sammlungen veröffentlicht wurden …

The role of transnational elites in sha** the evolving field of Internet governance

JM Chenou - 2014‏ - serval.unil.ch
La gouvernance de l'Internet est une thématique récente dans la politique mondiale.
Néanmoins, elle est devenue au fil des années un enjeu économique et politique important …

Organisering av standarder, certifiering och ackreditering som en global styrregim

I Gustafsson - 2016‏ - gupea.ub.gu.se
Organisering av standarder, certifiering och ackreditering som en global styrregim Page 1
Organisering av standarder, certifiering och ackreditering som en global styrregim Page 2 Page …