Current state of research on cross-site scripting (XSS)–A systematic literature review
Context Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a security vulnerability that affects web applications. It
occurs due to improper or lack of sanitization of user inputs. The security vulnerability …
occurs due to improper or lack of sanitization of user inputs. The security vulnerability …
A survey of detection methods for XSS attacks
Cross-site scripting attack (abbreviated as XSS) is an unremitting problem for the Web
applications since the early 2000s. It is a code injection attack on the client-side where an …
applications since the early 2000s. It is a code injection attack on the client-side where an …
XSS-SAFE: a server-side approach to detect and mitigate cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks in JavaScript code
Nowadays, Web applications are considered to be one of the most ubiquitous platforms for
providing the information and service release over the World Wide Web, particularly those …
providing the information and service release over the World Wide Web, particularly those …
[PDF][PDF] The approaches to quantify web application security scanners quality: a review
The web application security scanner is a computer program that assessed web application
security with penetration testing technique. The benefit of automated web application …
security with penetration testing technique. The benefit of automated web application …
Xsspro: Xss attack detection proxy to defend social networking platforms
Social Platforms transpired as the fascinating attack surface to explode multitude of cyber-
attacks as it facilitates sharing of personal and professional information. XSS vulnerability …
attacks as it facilitates sharing of personal and professional information. XSS vulnerability …
Splendor: Static detection of stored xss in modern web applications
In modern websites, stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is the most dangerous XSS
vulnerability, which can store payloads in the web system and be triggered directly by the …
vulnerability, which can store payloads in the web system and be triggered directly by the …
[PDF][PDF] CIDT: Detection of malicious code injection attacks on web application
Security is one of the major concerns in communication networks and other online Internet
based services, which are becoming pervasive in all kinds of domains like business …
based services, which are becoming pervasive in all kinds of domains like business …
A client‐server JavaScript code rewriting‐based framework to detect the XSS worms from online social network
This article presents a client‐server JavaScript code rewriting‐based framework that protects
and preserves the privacy of online users against XSS worms on Online Social Network …
and preserves the privacy of online users against XSS worms on Online Social Network …
Detecting stored cross-site scripting vulnerabilities in web applications
(57) ABSTRACT A method for detecting security vulnerabilities in web applications can
include providing a payload to a web application during a first interaction with the web …
include providing a payload to a web application during a first interaction with the web …
Evaluation and monitoring of XSS defensive solutions: a survey, open research issues and future directions
XSS is well-thought-out to be an industry-wide problem that is affecting the diverse
contemporary web platforms. The collection of most recent web application reports revealed …
contemporary web platforms. The collection of most recent web application reports revealed …