[PDF][PDF] A survey of sequential pattern mining
P Fournier-Viger, JCW Lin… - Data Science and …, 2017 - philippe-fournier-viger.com
Discovering unexpected and useful patterns in databases is a fundamental data mining task.
In recent years, a trend in data mining has been to design algorithms for discovering …
In recent years, a trend in data mining has been to design algorithms for discovering …
Sequential pattern mining--approaches and algorithms
Sequences of events, items, or tokens occurring in an ordered metric space appear often in
data and the requirement to detect and analyze frequent subsequences is a common …
data and the requirement to detect and analyze frequent subsequences is a common …
A taxonomy of sequential pattern mining algorithms
NR Mabroukeh, CI Ezeife - ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 2010 - dl.acm.org
Owing to important applications such as mining web page traversal sequences, many
algorithms have been introduced in the area of sequential pattern mining over the last …
algorithms have been introduced in the area of sequential pattern mining over the last …
[КНИГА][B] Temporal data mining
T Mitsa - 2010 - taylorfrancis.com
From basic data mining concepts to state-of-the-art advances, this book covers the theory of
the subject as well as its application in a variety of fields. It discusses the incorporation of …
the subject as well as its application in a variety of fields. It discusses the incorporation of …
[PDF][PDF] Sequence mining in categorical domains: incorporating constraints
MJ Zaki - Proceedings of the ninth international conference on …, 2000 - dl.acm.org
We present cSPADE, an efficient algorithm for mining frequent sequences considering a
variety of syntactic constraints. These take the form of length or width limitations on the …
variety of syntactic constraints. These take the form of length or width limitations on the …
Research issues in data stream association rule mining
N Jiang, L Gruenwald - ACM Sigmod Record, 2006 - dl.acm.org
There exist emerging applications of data streams that require association rule mining, such
as network traffic monitoring and web click streams analysis. Different from data in traditional …
as network traffic monitoring and web click streams analysis. Different from data in traditional …
Multi-dimensional sequential pattern mining
Sequential pattern mining, which finds the set of frequent subsequences in sequence
databases, is an important data-mining task and has broad applications. Usually, sequence …
databases, is an important data-mining task and has broad applications. Usually, sequence …
IncSpan: incremental mining of sequential patterns in large database
Many real life sequence databases grow incrementally. It is undesirable to mine sequential
patterns from scratch each time when a small set of sequences grow, or when some new …
patterns from scratch each time when a small set of sequences grow, or when some new …
Incremental mining of sequential patterns in large databases
In this paper, we consider the problem of the incremental mining of sequential patterns when
new transactions or new customers are added to an original database. We present a new …
new transactions or new customers are added to an original database. We present a new …
[PDF][PDF] Sequential pattern mining: A survey
Data mining [Chen et al. 1996] is the process of extracting interesting (non-trivial, implicit,
previously unknown and potentially useful) information or patterns from large information …
previously unknown and potentially useful) information or patterns from large information …