Education and dialogical self: state of art (Educación y yo dialógico: estado de la cuestión)

C Monereo, H Hermans - Journal for the Study of Education …, 2023 -
La intrusión de la teoría del yo dialógico (Dialogical Self Theory, DST) en el campo
educativo no ha tenido el reconocimiento que merece. En este artículo tenemos la intención …

[PDF][PDF] Thematic analysis through artificial intelligence (AI)

PA Christou - The Qualitative Report, 2024 -
Thematic analysis, a well-enforced qualitative analytic method, is likely to continue evolving
with the adoption of AI technologies. This how-to report does not delve into the details of …

A sociocultural theory of creativity: Bridging the social, the material, and the psychological

VP Glăveanu - Review of General psychology, 2020 -
The present article gives an overview of sociocultural approaches to creativity and advances
a particular theory of the creative process grounded in the notions of difference, position …

Building teacher identity through the process of positioning

M Arvaja - Teaching and Teacher Education, 2016 - Elsevier
This study explores teacher identity work in the context of a one-year programme,
Pedagogical Studies for Adult Educators. The data consist of weekly learning diaries written …

[CARTE][B] The multilingual instructor

C Kramsch, L Zhang - 2018 -
Claire Kramsch and Lihua Zhang use an ecological approach and a complexity thought
model to examine the identities, experiences, and practices of foreign language teachers as …

[HTML][HTML] Forest and wildlife resource-conservation efforts based on indigenous knowledge: The case of Nharira community in Chikomba district, Zimbabwe

E Mavhura, S Mushure - Forest Policy and Economics, 2019 - Elsevier
Forest and wildlife resources are indispensable for the provision of ecosystem goods and
services; as well as spiritual and cultural values in rural areas. In most unprotected areas …

Precarity, imagination, and the mobile life of the 'trailing spouse'

F Cangià - Ethos, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
This article investigates the experiences of mobility and work transition for some “trailing
spouses” following their partners in professional overseas assignments. It draws upon in …

Talking good: Analysing narratives of desistance in Norway

J Todd-Kvam, M Todd-Kvam - The British Journal of Criminology, 2022 -
Despite significant research interest in Norwegian penality, there remains much to be
learned about how people in Norway experience life during and after punishment. This …

Experience as evidence: the dialogic construction of health professional knowledge through patient involvement

A Renedo, A Komporozos-Athanasiou… - Sociology, 2018 -
This article investigates how healthcare professionals articulate the relationship between
patient experience and 'evidence', creating hybrid forms of knowledge. We propose a …

[CARTE][B] Optimising the Third Space in Higher Education: Case studies of intercultural and cross-boundary collaboration

N Veles - 2022 -
Drawing on an empirical study of the cross-boundary, cross-campus, and intercultural
collaborations between professional and academic staff, at both an Australian and a …