Education and dialogical self: state of art (Educación y yo dialógico: estado de la cuestión)
C Monereo, H Hermans - Journal for the Study of Education …, 2023 -
La intrusión de la teoría del yo dialógico (Dialogical Self Theory, DST) en el campo
educativo no ha tenido el reconocimiento que merece. En este artículo tenemos la intención …
educativo no ha tenido el reconocimiento que merece. En este artículo tenemos la intención …
[PDF][PDF] Thematic analysis through artificial intelligence (AI)
PA Christou - The Qualitative Report, 2024 -
Thematic analysis, a well-enforced qualitative analytic method, is likely to continue evolving
with the adoption of AI technologies. This how-to report does not delve into the details of …
with the adoption of AI technologies. This how-to report does not delve into the details of …
A sociocultural theory of creativity: Bridging the social, the material, and the psychological
VP Glăveanu - Review of General psychology, 2020 -
The present article gives an overview of sociocultural approaches to creativity and advances
a particular theory of the creative process grounded in the notions of difference, position …
a particular theory of the creative process grounded in the notions of difference, position …
Building teacher identity through the process of positioning
M Arvaja - Teaching and Teacher Education, 2016 - Elsevier
This study explores teacher identity work in the context of a one-year programme,
Pedagogical Studies for Adult Educators. The data consist of weekly learning diaries written …
Pedagogical Studies for Adult Educators. The data consist of weekly learning diaries written …
[CARTE][B] The multilingual instructor
C Kramsch, L Zhang - 2018 -
Claire Kramsch and Lihua Zhang use an ecological approach and a complexity thought
model to examine the identities, experiences, and practices of foreign language teachers as …
model to examine the identities, experiences, and practices of foreign language teachers as …
[HTML][HTML] Forest and wildlife resource-conservation efforts based on indigenous knowledge: The case of Nharira community in Chikomba district, Zimbabwe
E Mavhura, S Mushure - Forest Policy and Economics, 2019 - Elsevier
Forest and wildlife resources are indispensable for the provision of ecosystem goods and
services; as well as spiritual and cultural values in rural areas. In most unprotected areas …
services; as well as spiritual and cultural values in rural areas. In most unprotected areas …
Precarity, imagination, and the mobile life of the 'trailing spouse'
F Cangià - Ethos, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
This article investigates the experiences of mobility and work transition for some “trailing
spouses” following their partners in professional overseas assignments. It draws upon in …
spouses” following their partners in professional overseas assignments. It draws upon in …
Talking good: Analysing narratives of desistance in Norway
Despite significant research interest in Norwegian penality, there remains much to be
learned about how people in Norway experience life during and after punishment. This …
learned about how people in Norway experience life during and after punishment. This …
Experience as evidence: the dialogic construction of health professional knowledge through patient involvement
A Renedo, A Komporozos-Athanasiou… - Sociology, 2018 -
This article investigates how healthcare professionals articulate the relationship between
patient experience and 'evidence', creating hybrid forms of knowledge. We propose a …
patient experience and 'evidence', creating hybrid forms of knowledge. We propose a …
[CARTE][B] Optimising the Third Space in Higher Education: Case studies of intercultural and cross-boundary collaboration
N Veles - 2022 -
Drawing on an empirical study of the cross-boundary, cross-campus, and intercultural
collaborations between professional and academic staff, at both an Australian and a …
collaborations between professional and academic staff, at both an Australian and a …