Urban resilience implementation: A policy challenge and research agenda for the 21st century
J Coaffee, MC Therrien, L Chelleri… - Journal of …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Resilience has risen rapidly over the last decade to become one of the key terms in
international policy and academic discussions associated with civil contingencies and crisis …
international policy and academic discussions associated with civil contingencies and crisis …
Just urban transitions: Toward a research agenda
While there are excellent policy and academic foundations for thinking about and making
sense of urban climate action and questions of justice and climate change independently …
sense of urban climate action and questions of justice and climate change independently …
Social equity in urban resilience planning
ABSTRACT A growing number of cities are incorporating resilience into their plans and
policies to respond to shocks, stresses, and uncertainties. While some scholars advocate for …
policies to respond to shocks, stresses, and uncertainties. While some scholars advocate for …
[KNJIGA][B] Disasters: A sociological approach
K Tierney - 2019 - books.google.com
Disasters kill, maim, and generate increasingly large economic losses. But they do not
wreak their damage equally across populations, and every disaster has social dimensions at …
wreak their damage equally across populations, and every disaster has social dimensions at …
Influencing factors and their influencing mechanisms on urban resilience in China
With an increase in disturbance in cities, improving urban resilience has become a global
consensus in order to achieve sustainable urban development. As the largest develo** …
consensus in order to achieve sustainable urban development. As the largest develo** …
Just urban futures? Exploring equity in “100 Resilient Cities”
Abstract The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and associated Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) view resilience, sustainability, and social equity as being …
Development Goals (SDGs) view resilience, sustainability, and social equity as being …
[HTML][HTML] Resilience in the built environment: Key characteristics for solutions to multiple crises
In the last decade, our built environment has been exposed to a significant and wide range
of crises, from primary (eg, pandemic, climate change-induced hazards) to secondary crises …
of crises, from primary (eg, pandemic, climate change-induced hazards) to secondary crises …
A multidisciplinary definition and evaluation of resilience: The role of social justice in defining resilience
This paper aims to explore how insights from the philosophical and social science literature
can be incorporated into the definition of resilient infrastructure so that considerations of …
can be incorporated into the definition of resilient infrastructure so that considerations of …
[HTML][HTML] Capacitating urban governance and planning systems to drive transformative resilience
Urban governance and planning systems are central cornerstones of international research
and policy initiatives to advance sustainable development, climate change adaptation, and …
and policy initiatives to advance sustainable development, climate change adaptation, and …
[HTML][HTML] Urbanization, migration, and the challenges of resilience thinking in urban planning: Insights from two contrasting planning systems in Germany and Iran
This paper examines transformative resilience as the common challenge for urban/regional
governance and planning systems in two contrasting contexts from the Global North …
governance and planning systems in two contrasting contexts from the Global North …