Quantum simulations of hadron dynamics in the Schwinger model using 112 qubits
Hadron wave packets are prepared and time evolved in the Schwinger model using 112
qubits of IBM's 133-qubit Heron quantum computer ibm_torino. The initialization of the …
qubits of IBM's 133-qubit Heron quantum computer ibm_torino. The initialization of the …
Doubly Charmed Tetraquark from Lattice QCD near Physical Point
The doubly charmed tetraquark T cc+ recently discovered by the LHCb Collaboration is
studied on the basis of (2+ 1)-flavor lattice QCD simulations of the D* D system with nearly …
studied on the basis of (2+ 1)-flavor lattice QCD simulations of the D* D system with nearly …
Weakly Bound Dibaryon from SU(3)-Flavor-Symmetric QCD
We present the first study of baryon-baryon interactions in the continuum limit of lattice QCD,
finding unexpectedly large lattice artifacts. Specifically, we determine the binding energy of …
finding unexpectedly large lattice artifacts. Specifically, we determine the binding energy of …
Three relativistic neutrons in a finite volume
ZT Draper, MT Hansen, F Romero-López… - Journal of High Energy …, 2023 - Springer
A bstract We generalize the relativistic field-theoretic (RFT) three-particle finite-volume
formalism to systems of three identical, massive, spin-1/2 fermions, such as three neutrons …
formalism to systems of three identical, massive, spin-1/2 fermions, such as three neutrons …
Towards precise and accurate calculations of neutrinoless double-beta decay
We present the results of a National Science Foundation Project Sco** Workshop, the
purpose of which was to assess the current status of calculations for the nuclear matrix …
purpose of which was to assess the current status of calculations for the nuclear matrix …
Neutrinoless double-beta decay: A roadmap for matching theory to experiment
The observation of neutrino oscillations and hence non-zero neutrino masses provided a
milestone in the search for physics beyond the Standard Model. But even though we now …
milestone in the search for physics beyond the Standard Model. But even though we now …
Nuclear properties with semilocal momentum-space regularized chiral interactions beyond
LENPIC Collaboration, P Maris, R Roth, E Epelbaum… - Physical Review C, 2022 - APS
We present a comprehensive investigation of few-nucleon systems as well as light and
medium-mass nuclei up to A= 48 using the current Low Energy Nuclear Physics …
medium-mass nuclei up to A= 48 using the current Low Energy Nuclear Physics …
Scale setting and hadronic properties in the light quark sector with ()-flavor Wilson fermions at the physical point
We report scale setting and hadronic properties for our new lattice QCD gauge configuration
set (HAL-conf-2023). We employ (2+ 1)-flavor nonperturbatively improved Wilson fermions …
set (HAL-conf-2023). We employ (2+ 1)-flavor nonperturbatively improved Wilson fermions …
Strongly bound dibaryon with maximal beauty flavor from lattice QCD
We report the first lattice QCD study of the heavy dibaryons in which all six quarks have the
bottom (beauty) flavor. Performing a state-of-the-art lattice QCD calculation we find clear …
bottom (beauty) flavor. Performing a state-of-the-art lattice QCD calculation we find clear …
A closer look in the mirror: reflections on the matter/dark matter coincidence
A bstract We argue that the striking similarity between the cosmic abundances of baryons
and dark matter, despite their very different astrophysical behavior, strongly motivates the …
and dark matter, despite their very different astrophysical behavior, strongly motivates the …