Effect of probiotics/prebiotics on cattle health and productivity
Y Uyeno, S Shigemori, T Shimosato - Microbes and environments, 2015 - jstage.jst.go.jp
Probiotics/prebiotics have the ability to modulate the balance and activities of the
gastrointestinal (GI) microbiota, and are, thus, considered beneficial to the host animal and …
gastrointestinal (GI) microbiota, and are, thus, considered beneficial to the host animal and …
Redundancy, resilience, and host specificity of the ruminal microbiota: implications for engineering improved ruminal fermentations
PJ Weimer - Frontiers in microbiology, 2015 - frontiersin.org
The ruminal microbial community is remarkably diverse, containing 100s of different
bacterial and archaeal species, plus many species of fungi and protozoa. Molecular studies …
bacterial and archaeal species, plus many species of fungi and protozoa. Molecular studies …
[HTML][HTML] Invited review: Microbiota of the bovine udder: Contributing factors and potential implications for udder health and mastitis susceptibility
H Derakhshani, KB Fehr, S Sepehri, D Francoz… - Journal of dairy …, 2018 - Elsevier
Various body sites of vertebrates provide stable and nutrient-rich ecosystems for a diverse
range of commensal, opportunistic, and pathogenic microorganisms to thrive. The collective …
range of commensal, opportunistic, and pathogenic microorganisms to thrive. The collective …
Rumen microbiome from steers differing in feed efficiency
The cattle rumen has a diverse microbial ecosystem that is essential for the host to digest
plant material. Extremes in body weight (BW) gain in mice and humans have been …
plant material. Extremes in body weight (BW) gain in mice and humans have been …
[HTML][HTML] Subacute ruminal acidosis in dairy herds: Microbiological and nutritional causes, consequences, and prevention strategies
ME Elmhadi, DK Ali, MK Khogali, H Wang - Animal Nutrition, 2022 - Elsevier
Dairy cattle are frequently fed high-concentrate (HC) diets in modern intensive feeding
systems, especially in the transition period. During this period, cows face many alterations …
systems, especially in the transition period. During this period, cows face many alterations …
Implication and challenges of direct-fed microbial supplementation to improve ruminant production and health
Direct-fed microbials (DFMs) are feed additives containing live naturally existing microbes
that can benefit animals' health and production performance. Due to the banned or strictly …
that can benefit animals' health and production performance. Due to the banned or strictly …
Effects of high forage/concentrate diet on volatile fatty acid production and the microorganisms involved in VFA production in cow rumen
L Wang, G Zhang, Y Li, Y Zhang - Animals, 2020 - mdpi.com
Simple Summary The rumen is well known as a natural bioreactor for highly efficient
degradation of fibers, and rumen microbes play an important role on fiber degradation …
degradation of fibers, and rumen microbes play an important role on fiber degradation …
[HTML][HTML] Development and physiology of the rumen and the lower gut: Targets for improving gut health
The gastrointestinal epithelium of the dairy cow and calf faces the challenge of protecting the
host from the contents of the luminal milieu while controlling the absorption and metabolism …
host from the contents of the luminal milieu while controlling the absorption and metabolism …
Characterization of the core rumen microbiome in cattle during transition from forage to concentrate as well as during and after an acidotic challenge
This study investigated the effect of diet and host on the rumen bacterial microbiome and the
impact of an acidotic challenge on its composition. Using parallel pyrosequencing of the V3 …
impact of an acidotic challenge on its composition. Using parallel pyrosequencing of the V3 …
Enhancing gastrointestinal health in dairy cows
JC Plaizier, MD Mesgaran, H Derakhshani, H Golder… - Animal, 2018 - cambridge.org
Due to their high energy requirements, high-yielding dairy cows receive high-grain diets.
This commonly jeopardises their gastrointestinal health by causing subacute ruminal …
This commonly jeopardises their gastrointestinal health by causing subacute ruminal …