Risso's dolphin Grampus griseus in the Mediterranean Sea

G Bearzi, RR Reeves, E Remonato, N Pierantonio… - Mammalian Biology, 2011 - Elsevier
The ecology and status of Risso's dolphins Grampus griseus worldwide are poorly known. In
the Mediterranean Sea, modern field studies of cetaceans only began in the late 1980s and …

US Pacific marine mammal stock assessments, 2013

JV Carretta, EM Oleson, DW Weller, AR Lang… - 2014 - repository.library.noaa.gov
Under the 1994 amendments to the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), the National
Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) are …

The looming crisis: interactions between marine mammals and fisheries

AJ Read - Journal of Mammalogy, 2008 - academic.oup.com
Direct fisheries interactions pose a serious threat to the conservation of many populations
and some species of marine mammals. The most acute problem is bycatch, unintended …

[PDF][PDF] Final report of the Independent Scientific Review Panel investigating potential contributing factors to a 2008 mass stranding of melon-headed whales …

BL Southall, T Rowles, F Gulland… - Independent …, 2013 - californiaskywatch.com
Executive summary A highly unusual event involving the longrterm displacement and mass
stranding of approximately 100 melonrheaded whales (Peponocephala electra) occurred in …

Lessons from monitoring trends in abundance of marine mammals

BL Taylor, M Martinez, T Gerrodette… - Marine Mammal …, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
We assessed scientists' ability to detect declines of marine mammal stocks based on recent
levels of survey effort, when the actual decline is precipitous. We defined a precipitous …

Super-aggregations of krill and humpback whales in Wilhelmina Bay, Antarctic Peninsula

DP Nowacek, AS Friedlaender, PN Halpin, EL Hazen… - PloS one, 2011 - journals.plos.org
Ecological relationships of krill and whales have not been explored in the Western Antarctic
Peninsula (WAP), and have only rarely been studied elsewhere in the Southern Ocean. In …

Whales from space: four mysticete species described using new VHR satellite imagery

HC Cubaynes, PT Fretwell, C Bamford… - Marine Mammal …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Large‐bodied animals such as baleen whales can now be detected with very high
resolution (VHR) satellite imagery, allowing for scientific studies of whales in remote and …

Global coverage of cetacean line-transect surveys: status quo, data gaps and future challenges

K Kaschner, NJ Quick, R Jewell, R Williams, CM Harris - 2012 - journals.plos.org
Knowledge of abundance, trends and distribution of cetacean populations is needed to
inform marine conservation efforts, ecosystem models and spatial planning. We compiled a …

Nowhere to go: noise impact assessments for marine mammal populations with high site fidelity

KA Forney, BL Southall, E Slooten, S Dawson… - Endangered species …, 2017 - int-res.com
As awareness of the effects of anthropogenic noise on marine mammals has grown,
research has broadened from evaluating physiological responses, including injury and …

False killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens) around the main Hawaiian Islands: Long‐term site fidelity, inter‐island movements, and association patterns

RW Baird, AM Gorgone, DJ McSweeney… - Marine Mammal …, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
Despite their world‐wide distribution throughout the tropics and subtropics, false killer
whales (Pseudorca crassidens) are one of the lesser‐known large odontocetes. Genetic …