The dual-feature approach-avoidance task: validity, training efficacy, and the role of contingency awareness in changing food preference

S Kahveci, H van Alebeek, J Blechert - Cognition and Emotion, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
The approach-avoidance task (AAT) probes tendencies contributing to unwanted
behaviours, like excessive snacking, by measuring RT differences between approach and …

Biased information processing and anxiety co**: differences in attentional and approach patterns towards positive cues in repressors

A Exner, A Machulska, T Stalder, T Klucken - Current Psychology, 2023 - Springer
Individual differences in emotional co** styles are likely to affect information processing
on different stages. Repressive co** is assumed to be related to an attentional bias away …


曾红, 郑志灵, 罗晓红, 王鹏飞, 王孟成, 苏得权… - 心理学报, 2022 -
采用ERP 技术考察海洛因成瘾者相关线索下的用药行为的性质和神经机制,
在此基础上结合虚拟现实技术(VR) 和途径偏向矫**训练(AAT), 探究基于“相关线索-**惯性用药” …

[NAVEDBA][C] Exploring the Dual-Feature Approach-Avoidance Task: Validity, Training Effects, And The Role Of Perceived Stimulus-Response Contingency

S Kahveci, H van Alebeek, J Blechert - 2023 - PsyAr**v