Adaptive structures in civil engineering–state of the art
L Schwegmann, V Zabel, S Koch - Engineering Computations, 2024 - emerald.com
Purpose Adaptive load-bearing structures pursue the approach of saving mass within a load-
bearing structure by adding external energy, thus saving materials and resources. This …
bearing structure by adding external energy, thus saving materials and resources. This …
Analysis of the inherent adaptability of basic truss and frame modules by means of an extended method of influence matrices
S Steffen, L Blandini, W Sobek - Engineering Structures, 2022 - Elsevier
New approaches and technologies are needed to counter the effects of climate change and
mitigate the depletion of material resources. A possible solution are adaptive load-bearing …
mitigate the depletion of material resources. A possible solution are adaptive load-bearing …
[PDF][PDF] Efficient update of redundancy matrices for truss and frame structures
Redundancy matrices provide insights into the load carrying behavior of statically
indeterminate structures. This information can be employed for the design and analysis of …
indeterminate structures. This information can be employed for the design and analysis of …
Ableitung von Typologien adaptiver Hochhausstabtragwerke mittels der Methode der Einflussmatrizen
S Steffen - 2023 - elib.uni-stuttgart.de
Im Jahr 2015 haben 194 Länder und die Europäische Union im Pariser Klimaabkommen
vereinbart, die Erderwärmung auf 1, 5° C zu beschränken. Um dies zu erreichen, müssen …
vereinbart, die Erderwärmung auf 1, 5° C zu beschränken. Um dies zu erreichen, müssen …
Efficient computation of redundancy matrices for moderately redundant truss and frame structures
Large statically indeterminate truss and frame structures exhibit complex load-bearing
behavior, and redundancy matrices are helpful for their analysis and design. Depending on …
behavior, and redundancy matrices are helpful for their analysis and design. Depending on …
[KNJIGA][B] Distributed redundancy in elastostatics for the design of adaptive structures
J Gade - 2024 - elib.uni-stuttgart.de
The present thesis is concerned with the concept of distributed redundancy in linear
elastostatics of load-carrying structures. This concept addresses supernumerous self …
elastostatics of load-carrying structures. This concept addresses supernumerous self …
[PDF][PDF] Detection and identification of structural failure using the redundancy matrix
T Prokosch, J Stiefelmaier, C Tarín… - … Thematic Conference on …, 2023 - researchgate.net
Structural failure in civil engineering can have catastrophic consequences such as property
damage, economic losses and even loss of life. Therefore, early detection and identification …
damage, economic losses and even loss of life. Therefore, early detection and identification …
Structural Assessment of Architected Material Using the Redundancy Matrix and Experimental Testing
This paper presents the integration of a numerical structural model based on the
redundancy matrix and experimental results of multi-layered randomized architected …
redundancy matrix and experimental results of multi-layered randomized architected …
A member redundancy index based on distributed static indeterminacy for optimum material distribution for structures with axially loaded members
Redundancy analysis in structural systems has been typically approached under particular
loading conditions. Structural systems that are found to provide adequate levels of …
loading conditions. Structural systems that are found to provide adequate levels of …
[KNJIGA][B] Strukturmechanische Charakterisierung von Stabtragwerken für den Entwurf adaptiver Tragwerke
F Geiger - 2022 - elib.uni-stuttgart.de
Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der strukturmechanischen Charakterisierung von
Stabtragwerken mit dem Ziel, daraus Erkenntnisse und Empfehlungen für den Entwurf …
Stabtragwerken mit dem Ziel, daraus Erkenntnisse und Empfehlungen für den Entwurf …