[HTML][HTML] The trap of climate change-induced “natural” disasters and inequality
The purpose of the present paper is to disentangle the mechanisms that connect climate
change-induced disasters, inequality and vulnerability by accounting for both directions of …
change-induced disasters, inequality and vulnerability by accounting for both directions of …
The economics of poverty traps and persistent poverty: Empirical and policy implications
The moral and economic imperatives to intervene in poverty traps motivate the identification
of poverty traps and their structural causes so as to inform the design of appropriate policy …
of poverty traps and their structural causes so as to inform the design of appropriate policy …
Natural disaster, poverty, and development: An introduction
This paper introduces the special issue,“Natural Disaster, Poverty, and Development.” We
examine the macro-level nexus between natural disasters and poverty, discuss prospects for …
examine the macro-level nexus between natural disasters and poverty, discuss prospects for …
Consumption versus asset smoothing: testing the implications of poverty trap theory in Burkina Faso
Despite solid theoretical foundations for the notion that poor, borrowing-constrained
households will intertemporally manage assets to smooth consumption, the consumption …
households will intertemporally manage assets to smooth consumption, the consumption …
The system of rice intensification and its impacts on household income and child schooling: evidence from rural Indonesia
The yield potential of a set of improved rice management practices, known as the System of
Rice Intensification (SRI), has attracted much attention. Yet we know surprisingly little about …
Rice Intensification (SRI), has attracted much attention. Yet we know surprisingly little about …
Welfare impacts of index insurance in the presence of a poverty trap
This paper evaluates the welfare impacts of an index-based livestock insurance designed to
compensate for satellite-based predicted livestock mortality in northern Kenya, where …
compensate for satellite-based predicted livestock mortality in northern Kenya, where …
Empirical challenges for risk preferences and production
DR Just, SV Khantachavana… - Annu. Rev. Resour. Econ., 2010 - annualreviews.org
The importance of risk preferences in agricultural production has long been identified as an
important and preeminent issue of policy relevance. Recent developments in the study of …
important and preeminent issue of policy relevance. Recent developments in the study of …
Empirical identification of behavioral choice models under risk
The generalized expected utility literature typically assumes an absence of judgment bias in
the individual perception of probabilities when inferring risk preferences. This assumption is …
the individual perception of probabilities when inferring risk preferences. This assumption is …
Risk and intertemporal substitution: livestock portfolios and off-take among Kenyan pastoralists
Most decisions involve variability in two dimensions: uncertainty across states of nature and
fluctuations over time. The stakes involved in tradeoffs between these variability dimensions …
fluctuations over time. The stakes involved in tradeoffs between these variability dimensions …
Poverty is associated with both risk avoidance and risk taking: empirical evidence for the desperation threshold model from the UK and France
In situations of poverty, do people take more or less risk? One hypothesis states that poverty
makes people avoid risk, because they cannot buffer against losses, while another states …
makes people avoid risk, because they cannot buffer against losses, while another states …